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  Thanks from a Bin
   A bin that says “thank you” or “mmm, tasty” when you throw in rubbish. In Germany, a land that loves hi-tech gadgets, it was only a matter of time before the solar-powered, talking trash can come along.
  Paris Invents New Love Messages
   Declarations of undying devotion will flash across Paris’s mu-nicipal bulletin boards every 20 seconds next month as the French capi-tal invents a new way to say “I love you” on Valen-tine’s Day.Bertrand De-lanoe, the left-wing mayor known for his innovative city festivals, said the elec-tronic boards would carry the best short love letterson February 14—Valen-tine’s Day—and through-out that weekend, adding that they would “help Parisians tell each other ‘I love you’”.
  Customs About
  Drunken Cows
  In Norway, after the wedding ceremony, when the bride, bridegroom and the guests got home, a cow with horns beautifully decorated with birch branches is waiting for them. According to the ancient tradition in Nor-way, the bride will carry a keg of beer for the wed-ding to the cow.
  If the cow likes the beer and gets drunk, it promises a bright future. Everything will go smoothly and they will have many children as well. Later, when all the guests get drunk, they will dance together with the cow.
  A Bear Drunkard
   In the Washugan Plain in Russia lives a family of bear drunkards: Mother, son and daughter.
  The guard in the for-est had seen the drunken and funny bears three times. They staggered, growled at each other, rushed forward and stum-bled. Later he rea- lized the bears had eaten too many fermentedberries.
   One winter night, the bears intruded into a brewery called Arshei’s. They broke everything and made a mess. When they left, the female bear held two bottles of beer with her forelegs and the two young bears each rolled a bottle. The folks were worried about their arrival the next spring, so they strenghthened their fences and walls.
  A Pupil Aged 84
   Nairobi: An 84-year-old Kenyan grand-father has started primary school to learn to read, after the government in-troduced free primary edu-cation last year, Kenyan daily newspapers reported Tuesday. His classmates’ average age is seven, and two of his thirty grand-children attend more ad-vanced classes in the same school.
Under the burning sun, an old man sat by the bank staring at the buoy1 on the river. From dawn to dusk he still got nothing in his hands. However, the old man was happy at ease. I felt so puzzled abou
After the wedding, a soldier went into battle. Because he often used the shovel in the battlefront and feared that the finger ring his lover gave him was worn and torn, he packed it away.  Shortly aft
故事发生在约五百年前的一个小村庄。有一天,那里发生了一次地震。当时没造成人员伤亡和财产损失,只是有一块巨石从附近的山上滚下,停落在一条大路的中央。  地震停止后,有许多人来到那条路上观看巨石。一些壮汉子企图把巨石搬走,可是搬它不动;想把它推开,却推不动;大伙用绳子拉它,也没有成功。  “唉,”他们齐声哀叹,“真是拿它没办法,那就只有改道了。”  这时有个12岁左右的孩子发言了:“我想我能帮助你们挪
“We were just looking at each other and said,‘Let’s do something wild, crazy. Let’s go get married, just for the hell of it.”  “我们互相对视着说道:‘我们一起做点荒谬疯狂的事情吧。我们结婚吧,就为了过瘾。’”  ———美国当红歌星“小甜甜”布兰妮的幼时伙伴亚历山大谈两人决
他曾是旧金山人气最旺的年轻歌手,他的声音被称为“美国浪漫之声”。全加州的女孩子都渴望见他一面,并可以为此不惜任何代价。然而,歌迷们却从未见过他的庐山真面目———连照片也没有。  他四岁的时候曾坚信自己会成为伟大的钢琴家。各种经典曲目贯穿了他整个童年时光。十多岁时他接触到了冷酷的现实。当时,三餐稳定的音乐人都是有商业头脑的。无奈,年轻人放弃了古典音乐,去旧金山KFRC流行乐电台申请做乐手。  电台主
When in London, you should never miss the chance of paying a visit to Westminster Abbey, for it is a showplace of British culture and history. But for my first visit there, I was unlucky enough to fin
A Fault and a Mistake  小错和大错     Once someone asked Mark Twain, “What is the difference between a fault and a mistake?”  “When you get out of a restaurant, if you leave your own umbrella there, but ta
NO.1  1901: A burglar in New Orleans went to rob a postal train. But what he liked was nothing else but the postcards and stole 12,568 of them.  1901年:美国新奥尔良市一个小偷在邮政列车上进行了偷窃。但他只对圣诞卡片情有独钟,此次他只偷走了12 568
Night lies beside me  Chaste and cold as a sharp sword  It and I alone    Staying in my room   I thought of the new spring leaves  That day was happy    When the flower falls  The leaf is no more cher
Whirl up, sea...  Whirl your pointed pines,   Splash your great pines,   On our rocks,   Hurl your green over us,   Over us with your pools of fir.     海呵,卷起来······  卷起你的尖顶的松树,  飞溅你的大松树,   在我们的岩石上,   