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十堰市党史暨“革大”校史工作会议于1998年6月15日至16日召开。参加会议的有各县(市)区党史办主任、“革大”校史联络组组长及市“革大”中心联络成员,共计30余人。会议主要内容是传达贯彻全省党史、“革大”校史工作会议精神,研究部署今后一个时期,特别是今、明两年全市党史和“革大”校史编研宣传工作。市委副书记、市长马荣华、市委副书记赵斌到会并作了重要讲话。市委常委、市委秘书长王铁军,副市长杨朝中,市人大副主任陈裕建等领导也出席了会议。到十堰指导工作的省老领导肖健章和秦忠同志,也到会看望了大家并讲了话。市委分管党史工作的副书记赵斌同志,在全省党史工作会议之后,亲自听取党史部门的工作汇报,并到市委党史办座谈了解工作生活情况,想方设法为党史部门排扰解难。 Shiyan City Party history and “leather” school history work conference was held on June 15, 1998 to 16. Attending the meeting are the director of the Party History Office of all counties (cities), the head of the contact group of the “school of history of leather” and the contact member of the “leather big” center of the city, totaling more than 30 people. The main content of the conference is to convey and implement the spirit of the conference on history of the party history in the province and “reforming the history of the university history” and to study the deployment and promotion of the history of the party history and the “history reform” of the university in the coming period, especially in the next two years. Municipal Committee, Mayor Ma Ronghua, Zhao Bin, deputy secretary of municipal party committee to the meeting and made an important speech. Municipal Committee, Municipal Party Secretary Wang Tiejun, Vice Mayor Yang Chaozhong, Municipal People’s Congress Chen Yujian and other leaders also attended the meeting. Governor Xiao Jianzhang and Qin Zhong, leaders of the provincial authorities who directed work in Shiyan, also came to visit and talked to everyone. Comrade Zhao Bin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee in charge of party history, personally listened to the work report of the party history department after attending the work conference of the province’s party history and discussed with the party history office of the municipal party committee about the work and living conditions.