成功征服弱势学科——由弱变强的艺术 如何提高弱势科目成绩

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学生各学科都能够均衡发展,并保持较好的成绩,才能在高考中取得胜利;而如果学科强弱不均、参差不齐,整体未能保持较好的态势,则有可能在高考中落马。在学习中,不少学生就面临着学科强弱不均、参差不齐的难题和困惑,这对他们是极为不利的。如何在较短的时间内提高自己弱势学科的成绩,这是他们十分关注的问题。为此,本期特别策划邀请了两位过来人介绍自己成功将弱势学科转为优势学科的方法和经验,希望能给读者一定的帮助。 Students in all disciplines are able to develop well and maintain good grades in order to win the college entrance examination; and if the disciplines of uneven strength, uneven, the overall situation failed to maintain a good, you may fall in the college entrance examination . In the study, many students are faced with the disciplines of varying strengths and weaknesses, jumbled problems and confusion, which is extremely detrimental to them. How to improve the performance of their own disadvantaged subjects in a relatively short period of time is a problem of great concern to them. To this end, the current special planning invited two came over to introduce their own successful disciplines of disadvantaged methods into the dominant disciplines and experience, hoping to give readers some help.
猴小九出事了!  生肖府的大门被敲得咚咚作响,虎三哥开门一看,门口站着太上老君家的青牛。  “我是来送人的。”青牛将身子一俯,露出被他背在背上的猴小九来。虎三哥大惊:猴小九全身焦黑,正陷入昏迷之中!  猴小九最崇拜齐天大圣孙悟空。最近,他突发奇想,也想拥有一双孙悟空那样的火眼金睛。火眼金睛是孙悟空被投入太上老君的八卦炉中,经过七七四十九天的烟熏火燎后,无意中炼成的。进入八卦炉需要极大的勇气,但猴小
一、选择题 1.某物体受到的合力和运动状态的关系是 ( ) A. 合力越大,运动状态改变越大 B. 运动状态改变越快,受到的合力一定越大 C.运动状态发生变化,受到的合力一定变化 D
In order to obtain the elemental compositions of the projectile and target materials during 2A12 aluminum projectile shot on a natural dolomite plate,three kind
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An arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numberseach of which,after the first,is obtained by addingto the preceding number a constant number calledthe common di
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