
来源 :湖北档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveqwg
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2005年7月至8月,湖北省档案局与中共湖北省委办公厅、省人大常委会办公厅、省政府办公厅、省政协办公厅、省委宣传部、省财政厅及省文明办联合开展了全省国家综合档案馆功能建设评估工作。全省按地域分3批、每批分4个小组进行交叉评估。评估会上,省“四大家”及有关部门的领导针对各地档案馆存在的问题提出要求,各地党政主要领导参加,档案馆功能评估会变成了宣讲会、现场办公会、档案工作者与党政领导的谈心会。评估会评定了等次,扩大了影响,解决了问题,并确定了“十一五”的工作目标。本刊特别推出了一组各地党委、人大、政府关心支持档案馆功能建设,扎扎实实推进区域档案事业建设的稿件。 July 2005 to August, Hubei Provincial Archives Bureau and the Hubei Provincial CPC Committee Office, Provincial People’s Congress General Office, Provincial Government Office, Provincial CPPCC Office, Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Provincial Department of Finance and Provincial Civilization Office Carried out the province’s comprehensive national archives building evaluation. The province is divided into 3 batches by region, each batch of 4 groups for cross-assessment. At the assessment meeting, the leaders of the “Four Masters” and relevant departments of the province put forward the requirements for the problems existing in the archives around the country. The main leaders of the party and government in all places attended the assessment and the function evaluation of the archives turned into a propaganda conference, an on-site office, an archivist and Party and government leaders will be the heart. The assessment will assess the equivalent, expand the influence, solve the problem and determine the “Eleventh Five-Year” work objectives. In particular, our magazine has released a series of manuscripts that the party committees, NPC and governments concerned are concerned about and support the building of the archives and solidly promoting the construction of regional archives.
记忆中的童年有些模糊,但是面对一本本的杂志,我的记忆却清晰了许多,这些构成我回忆的元素,正是——《东方少年》。 The childhood in memory is somewhat obscure, but in
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我对未来的生活充满了美好的遐想,对外面的世界充满着好奇和渴望,对美妙的爱情充满着幻想。记得读这本书的那些夜晓,乡间的月色温柔而美丽,虫鸣此起彼伏。 My future life i
一、“以德治国”专题 [背景材料] 江泽民总书记在与参加全国宣传部长会议的同志举行座谈时指出:“我们在建设有中国特色的社会主义、发展社会主义市场经济的过程中,要坚持
[排子头起天上人间]微风吹拂,繁花飘香, 城中添新景。白兰株株,频输芬芳,人皆感领。万树千丛掩映,皎洁晶莹茂盛,巍峨参天上,更显坚贞。[南音]心仰白兰已久,爱你玉洁冰清, 不