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The strategic value evaluation ofphysical channels is the main purpose of thispaper.To interpret this value,we refine finance,location and competition dimensions.Atotal of 166 social high-star channels are selected as empirical samples.Practice showsthat all second-layer indicators can be quantified by information system or artificial collection.The weight of three first-layer indicatorscan be defined by correlation analysis.The valuecomprehensive ranking of the channels is clearbased on the first-layer and second-layer indicators.In the sample group in this study,theweight of location value is higher.The resultson channels’ strategic value research may provide further insights on business value,servicevalue and other related fields. The strategic value evaluation ofphysical channels is the main purpose of this paper. To interpret this value, we refine finance, location and competition dimensions. Atotal of 166 social high-star channels are selected as empirical samples. Practice show all of the second-layer indicators can be quantified by information system or artificial collection.The weight of three first-layer indicatorscan be defined by correlation analysis. valuecomprehensive ranking of the channels is clearbased on the first-layer and second-layer indicators. the sample group in this study, theweight of location value is higher. The results on channels’ strategic value research may provide further insights on business value, servicevalue and other related fields.
As most terminals sold today offer wireless Internet connectivity as a primary feature for personal communication requirements, the “Mobile Internet” is rapid
对于小学生来说,语文知识的学习不同于其他学科,因为语文知识是其他学科知识学习的基础,只有学会了漢字,读懂了句子,学生才能理解其他学科的题目要求,才能有效开展小学其他学科的学习。针对小学生知识积累少这一情况,小学语文教师在开展语文教学这一过程时,应根据学生的接受能力制订教学计划,让学生在轻松的氛围中提升语文素养。接下来,笔者谈一些基于儿童视角提升学生核心素养的见解。  一、结合语境,体悟汉字魅力  
价值创造理论,及其与之相关联的价值分配理论 ,既是一个古老的命题 ,又是一个与时俱进的新鲜课题。本文试从方法论的角度研究和探讨价值创造理论在新形势下的发展问题。江泽民