共产党员陈丽忠是“桂驳2133”船船长兼业务员,多年来他带领船上职工以主人翁责任感,努力把好质量关热情为货主服务。在多年货物运输中,他摸索出了一套行之有效的核、查、收的理货经验,使运输质量得到保证,树立了船舶信誉。他的做法主要是把住核、查、收“三关”。 核,就是核对。当船舶抵达码头时,身兼业务员的陈丽忠立即与货主、库场有关人员联系,核对清单货种是否与货物相符,检查破损情况,清点数目,并派人在现场监督装车,把好收货
Party member Chen Lizhong is the captain and salesman of “Gui Barge 2133”. Over the years, he has led the ship’s workers to assume the responsibility of being the masters of the ship, and tried their best to serve the customers with quality and passion. During many years of cargo transportation, he worked out a set of proven nuclear, inspection and collection tallying experience, ensured the transportation quality and established the reputation of the ship. His approach is mainly to live nuclear, check, close “three off.” Nuclear, is to check. When the ship arrives at the pier, Chen Lizhong, a salesman, immediately contacts with the owner and the relevant personnel in the depot to check whether the list is consistent with the cargo, check the damage, count the number and supervise the loading on site Receiving