央行加息之后,商业性个人住房贷款利率的下限由基准利率的0.9倍变为0 85倍,尽管加息使5年以上期限贷款利率上升0.45个百分点,但对于大多数的购房者来说,房贷利率实际上是从5.751%提至5.814%,升幅仅为0.063个百分点,此次加息不会对个人住房贷款有太大影响。加息并非针对房市显然,本次加息所针对的重点不是房地产领域,而是为解决国内资金的流动性过剩问题。为此,央行年内一度提高了法定存款准备金率,并发行央行票据在公开市场上回笼货币。然而,继续采用这类数量性货币政策工具的效果似乎并不明显,央行于是转为使用调整利率和汇率的价格性货币政策工具。
After the central bank raised interest rates, the lower limit of commercial personal home loan interest rates changed from 0.9 times the benchmark interest rate to 0.85 times. Although the rate hike raised the interest rate of term loans over 5 years by 0.45 percentage points, for the majority of purchasers For example, the mortgage interest rate actually increased from 5.751% to 5.814%, an increase of only 0.063 percentage points. The interest rate increase will not have much impact on personal home loans. Rate hike is not aimed at the housing market Obviously, the focus of this rate hike is not the real estate field, but to solve the problem of excess liquidity of domestic funds. To this end, the central bank raised the statutory deposit reserve ratio for the first time during the year and issued central bank bills to withdraw currency in the open market. However, the effect of continuing to adopt such quantitative monetary policy instruments does not seem obvious. The central bank then turned to using price-based monetary policy instruments that adjust interest rates and exchange rates.