珠三角之广州 下一站:全面建设国家中心城市

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黄华华省长在政府工作报告中强调,坚持扭住中心、促进发展是推动科学发展的第一要务。坚持调整结构、转变方式是推动科学发展的必由之路。为实现“十二五”的规划目标,要在突出加快经济结构调整上下功夫,实施扩大内需战略,加快外经贸战略转型。坚持制造与创造相促进、信息化与工业化相融合,改造提升传统产业,加快构建现代产业体系。发展现代服务业、先进制造业、高新技术产业和战略性新兴产业,加强环境保护和生态建设,强化节能减排和资源节约。突出提升自主创新能力,加快建设创新型广东。区域发展不平衡是困扰广东已久的难题。“加快转型升级,建设幸福广东”不能让各个地区的发展方式“统一步调”。底子不同,路子不同。为实现“十二五”规划的各项经济指标,珠三角地区要在“一体化”的利好中高歌猛进,东西北地区提出了“绿色崛起”、“幸福追赶”的口号。条条大路通罗马。幸福的目标一致,奋斗的过程将各有精彩。大会期间的专场记者会,来自珠三角地区的广州和来自粤东西北地区的梅州分别就各自的发展重点“坐而论道”。管中窥豹,“十二五”期间广东的经济发展,将奏响高低错落却欢快和谐的进行曲。 Governor Huang Huahua emphasized in his government work report that sticking to the center and promoting development are the top priorities for promoting scientific development. To insist on adjusting the structure and changing the way is the only way to promote scientific development. In order to realize the planning goal of “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, we must make efforts to highlight the acceleration of economic restructuring, implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand and speed up the strategic transformation of foreign economy and trade. Adhere to the promotion of manufacturing and creation, integration of information and industrialization, transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, accelerate the construction of modern industrial system. We will develop modern service industries, advanced manufacturing industries, high-tech industries and strategic emerging industries, strengthen environmental protection and ecological construction, and enhance energy-saving and emission reduction and resource conservation. Promote the ability of independent innovation, accelerate the construction of innovative Guangdong. The imbalance in regional development is a long-standing problem plaguing Guangdong. “Speed ​​up transformation and upgrading, building a happy Guangdong ” can not allow the development of various regions, “unified pace ”. Different foundation, different ways. In order to realize various economic indicators of the “12th Five-Year Plan”, the Pearl River Delta Region should make a big stride in the good of “integration” and put forward “Green Rise” and “Happy Catch-Up” Slogan All roads lead to Rome. The same goal of happiness, the process of struggle will be wonderful. During the special press conference during the conference, Guangzhou from the Pearl River Delta region and Meizhou from the northwestern region of Guangdong Province focused on their respective development priorities. In spite of this, the economic development of Guangdong during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” will play a melodious march of cheerfulness and harmony.
百年过去,泰坦尼克号沉没本是一场灾难,竟变成一个永不沉没的传奇。1 91 2年,这艘被誉为“永不沉没的船”驶向大西洋,英国白星邮轮公司骄傲地宣称:“泰坦尼克号代表船舶制造