Orientation noise in EBSD data gathered adjacent to low angle grain boundaries

来源 :中国体视学与图像分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nazhihudie
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The difference in orientation noise between regions near low angle boundaries and grain interiors has been investigated.Orientation measurements were made on samples of high purity nickel(99.999%) cold-rolled to a reduction of 98% and then annealed at 800℃ to give a strong cube texture.A pattern quality type parameter shows lower pattern qualities from volumes near the low angle boundaries.However,despite these differences the orientation noise in near-boundary regions was not found to be significantly worse than that in grain interiors.A significant variation was observed in the orientation noise for grains of different orientation. The difference in orientation noise between regions near low angle boundaries and grain interiors has been investigated. Orientation measurements were made on samples of high purity nickel (99.999%) cold-rolled to a reduction of 98% and then annealed at 800 ° C to give a strong cube texture. A pattern quality type parameter shows lower pattern qualities from volumes near the low angle boundaries. However despite these differences the orientation noise in near-boundary regions was not found to be significantly worse than that in grain interiors. A significant variation was observed in the orientation noise for grains of different orientation.
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