Antioxidant Activity of Bioactive Polysaccharides Isolated from Natural Sources

来源 :Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mgpd141314
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Some polysaccharides isolated from natural sources show various important biological activities including antitumor,and are known to act as immunomodulators and specifically,antioxidants.These activities are strongly affected by their chemical structures and chain conformations.This article reviewed the current literature on the antioxidant properties of some important bioactive polysaccharides isolated from natural sources,including plants,microorganisms,algae and animals.Possible antioxidant mechanisms of polysaccharides are also summarized.The continuing evaluation of bioactive polysaccharides provides a unique opportunity for the discovery of novel pharmaceuticals and healthcare products that exhibit beneficial antioxidant properties. Some polysaccharides isolated from natural sources show various important biological activities including antitumor,and are known to act as immunomodulators and specifically,antioxidants.The activities are strongly affected by their chemical structures and chain conformations.This article reviewed the current literature on the antioxidant properties of Some important bioactive polysaccharides isolated from natural sources, including plants, microorganisms, algae and animals.Possible antioxidant mechanisms of polysaccharides are also summarized.The outstanding evaluation of bioactive polysaccharides is a unique opportunity for the discovery of novel pharmaceuticals and healthcare products yet Properties.
方药:白黄芪50g,丹参、珍珠母各30g,龙骨、牡蛎、夜交藤各40g,石菖蒲、菟丝子、龙眼肉各20g,酸枣仁、远志、麦冬、川芎、砂仁、茯苓、白芍各15g,灯芯草、竹叶各10g。 Recipe
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