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一台机床的关键零部件——导轨是影响机械装置、设备系统的精确度可靠性,以及机器寿命的主要因素之一。本文从机床使用铸铁导轨所存在的优缺点讲起,从而提出了用聚四氟乙烯塑料作为粘接机床导轨及一切摩擦滑动面的可能性和它所具有的众多优越性能。并用实例进一步阐明聚四氟乙烯滑动导轨的设计原则和设计步骤。 One of the key components of a machine tool - the guide rail - is one of the major factors that affect the reliability of the mechanism, the accuracy of the equipment system, and the life of the machine. This article talked about the advantages and disadvantages of using cast iron rail in machine tools, and proposed the possibility of using polytetrafluoroethylene plastic as bonding rail and all friction sliding surfaces and the numerous superior properties it has. And with examples to further clarify PTFE sliding guide design principles and design steps.
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