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目的调查丽水市本地1例无外出史恶性疟病例的传染源和感染途径。方法开展流行病学调查,采集血库留存血样、可疑献血者及其所有受血者的血液,采用金标试剂检测疟原虫抗原、涂片吉氏染色镜检疟原虫、实时荧光PCR检测疟原虫核酸3种方法检测4个型别疟原虫。结果该病例无外出史,2个月前曾住院并有输血史,涉及8位献血者,其中1人曾在非洲赤道几内亚居住生活,其捐献的血液红细胞成分输给了该病例,血浆成分输给了另外1人。该献血者的血液、血库留存的血样及病例的血液均检测到恶性疟原虫抗原,镜检恶性疟原虫及恶性疟原虫核酸检测均呈阳性,其余型别疟疾检测结果均为阴性,接受血浆者的检测结果均为阴性。结论该病例为输入境外返乡恶性疟感染者血液而继发感染,系恶性疟原虫携带者无偿献血时血液疟原虫漏检引起。 Objective To investigate the source and route of infection of one case of falciparum falciparum in Lishui City. Methods Epidemiological investigation was carried out to collect blood samples from blood bank, blood from suspicious blood donors and all recipients, gold antigen reagent was used to detect the antigen of malaria parasite, and smear microscopy was used to examine the Plasmodium parasite. Plasmodium nucleic acid Three kinds of methods to detect four types of Plasmodium. Results The patient had no history of being outpatient, had been hospitalized 2 months ago and had a history of blood transfusions, involving 8 donors, of whom 1 had lived in Equatorial Guinea, Africa, and donated blood erythrocyte components were lost to this patient. Give another one. Plasmodium falciparum antigen was detected in the blood of blood donors, blood samples stored in the blood bank and the blood of the blood samples. Both the positive Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium falciparum nucleic acids were detected. The remaining malaria test results were negative, The test results were negative. Conclusions This case was caused by the secondary infection of the imported blood returning from falciparum falciparum infected overseas, and the missed detection of Plasmodium falciparum during the blood donation of Plasmodium falciparum.
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