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从中央经济工作会议到山西经济工作会议迎着新年的曙光,我们走过了奋发有为的“十二五”开局之年,跨进了充满希望的2012年。面对复杂多变的国际政治经济环境和国内经济运行的新情况新变化,如何才能破解所面临的复杂问题,顺利推进“十二五”规划的实施行人工的,民作总促生会基进活议调经水确—济平定—社稳了稳2会步0中又提12求年好高进经又,。济快中工发央作展经,运济 From the Central Economic Work Conference to the Shanxi Economic Working Conference Meeting the dawn of the new year, we have gone through a promising year of “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” and entered into a promising year of 2012. In the face of the complex and ever-changing international political and economic environment and the new changes in the domestic economy, how can we solve the complex problems that we face and smoothly promote the implementation of the “Twelfth Five-year Plan”? The meeting will be based on the activities of the Warp Water indeed - Jiping flat - steady social stability 2 will be further mentioned in the 12 12 years of good progress, and. Economic Development in central work for economic development, economy
1974~1988年,我院共收治胆道出血56例,其中33例行中西医结合(非手术)治疗。现报告如下。一般资料:本组男24例,女9例,年龄25~59岁者28例,<25岁者2例,>60岁者3例。出血原因:经B超或彩超诊断,胆道结石22例、蛔虫11例,33例非手 From
High pressure squeeze is the most popular moulding process applied in modern moulding machines.Because of the unique characters of moulding sand and nonlinearit
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The effect of niobium on the formation of NbC phase and solidification structure in high carbon equivalent grey cast iron was investigated.The experimental resu
文章介绍了铸造过程中为清理型芯、模具时所使用的各种清理工艺并做了比较。论述了利用高压水流清洗的成本优势以及其他特点。 This article describes the various cleanin