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普通教育肩负着为高一级学校输送合格新生,为社会主义现代化建设培养大批建设者的双重任务。但长期以来,由于受片面追求升学率的影响,语文教学存在着“重知识传授,轻能力培养;重课堂训练,轻社会实践”的偏向。如:作文训练,着重抓三大文体,偏废实用文体;语言训练,重书面表达,轻口语练习……致使教学大纲得不到全面落实。高考落榜的学生,走向社会,连张票据也不会写。商业往来时的公关意识,口语表达则更差。据94年高考试卷分析,要求写票据的那道考题,失分率竟达80%以上。触目惊心的事实告诫我们: General education shoulders the dual task of transporting qualified freshmen for high-level schools and cultivating large numbers of builders for socialist modernization. However, for a long time, due to the one-sided pursuit of higher education rates, there is a tendency in Chinese language teaching to emphasize the importance of imparting knowledge and light skills; ignoring classroom training and lightening social practice. Such as: composition training, focusing on the three major styles, partial waste of practical style; language training, re-writing, light spoken language exercises ... ... resulting in the syllabus is not fully implemented. The students who have failed in the college entrance examination will go to society and they will not be able to write notes. Public relations awareness in business dealings, spoken language is even worse. According to the analysis of the 94th exam paper, the score that required the bill to be written exceeded 80%. The shocking facts tell us:
原子量:H—1 N—14 O—16 Al—27 S— 32 K—39 Cl—35.5 Fe—56 Cu—64 一、选择题(共20分,每小题1分) 1.物质发生化学变化的本质特征是( )。 (A)颜色和状态发生了变化 (B)
例1 a~2是怎样的数?-a~2呢? 错解:a~2是正数,-a~2是负数。 剖析:忽视零的特例。正确答案为a~2≥0为非负数,-a~2≤0为非正数。 例2 解不等式x(x-3)~2>2(x-3)~2。 错解:x>2 剖
John is a paper boy.He delivers(投递)newspapers to different houses in his street every day.Hehas about 80 customers(客户).Half of his customers only take the
美育,是素质教育的重要组成部分,是塑造人.培养人的重要途径。语文教学,更应重视美育,培养健康向上的观察方法。培养感受美,鉴赏美,创造美的能力。 一、重视课文,发掘文中美
一、填空题(每空3分,共30分) 1.方程(.r一2)。=2一-,的解是.一一. 2.方程2Iz。一3z+l=0配方为(z+/j):=是,那么,厶、志的值分别为——. 3.以一2、3为根的一元二次方程为 4.已
一、语音:找出每组单词划线部分的读音与所给单词划线部分的读音相同的选项(5%)( )1.1eague A.1anguage B.change C.goat D.bridge( )2.rr~ny( )3.a121_gry( )4.newsA.saidC.
Molly lived in a small town by the sea.Shewas the only girl on her street.And the otherchildren were all boys.She could play with no-body after school and alwa
一、填空题(每空3分,共30分)1.计算sin45。·ctg30。一cos30。‘tg60。: 2.如图l,在(三)()中半径OAj_OB于0,C是oO上任意一点,若C在优弧五百上,则么ACB=…;若C在劣弧蕊上,~J]A