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  Los Angeles June 14, 2006—Hollywood actress Daryl Hannah was arrested yesterday after spending two weeks sitting in a walnut tree on an urban farm a few kilometers from downtown Los Angeles. She was one of 40 people, including celebrities from the music and movie world, who were protesting at the proposed destruction of the 14-acre farm. Police officers cut away branches from the tree and used a fire engine to reach Ms Hannah and her co-protester, environmentalist John Quigley. The two of them raised their fists in defiance(反抗) as they were removed.
  Protester, some of whom had chained themselves to concrete-filled barrels(桶), said that it was essential to keep the farm operating, as it provided food for hundreds of poor families in the area. About 350 people grow produce and flowers on the farm, which has been there for more than a decade and is situated in an inner-city area surrounded by warehouses and railroad tracks. However, the local authority recently approved plans for the area to be cleared and redeveloped for the construction of a huge new warehouse.
  Ms Hannah, 45, star of films such as Splash and Kill Bill was not thrilled about being arrested. “But I felt it was important to show my support for the people,” she said. “This farm should be a model for sustainable urban agriculture. It needs to be replicated, not eradicated.”
  The record length for a tree protest is held by a woman called Julia Hill, who remained on top of a 30-metre-high redwood tree in Northern California for 738 days from December 1997 to December 1999. She was successful in saving the tree and those around it from destruction. Ms Hill was also at the Los Angeles urban farm project this week, but her presence failed to stop the inevitable. No sooner had the protesters been removed than earth-moving machines moved in and began to clear the land.
   1. Daryl Hannah was involved in a protest to ____.
   A. save an agricultural city farm from destruction
   B. save a farm outside Los Angeles that provided jobs for the poor
   C. complain to the local council about all their development plans
   D. stop the police and fire department from cutting down trees
   2. What did the protesters do? ____.
   A. 40 of them chained themselves to trees
   B. They climbed trees with celebrities and refused to come down
   C. They all chained themselves to large pieces of concrete
   D. They fought with the police
   3. What did Daryl Hannah mean when she said “It needs to be
   replicated, not eradicated” in the third paragraph? ____.
   A. The new warehouse must provide jobs for the poor
   B. More farms should grow food for the cities not fewer
   C. The city farm was a model to be copied not destroyed
   D. The plans must be reconsidered and changed
   4. What happened after the protesters were removed? ____.
   A. They built the warehouse immediately
   B. They had hardly left when construction of the new building started
   C. As soon as they were gone, heavy machines cut down the trees
   D. The farm was saved
  The year 2006 sees the launch of the Chinese government’s campaign to “build a new socialist countryside”. After more than 20 years of reform and opening-up, the focus is now on China’s huge rural population. Thegovernment acknowledges that China’s economic and social progress can be of benefit to the entire population only after development of the rural economy, construction of new homes for farmers and a general promotion of living standard have been accomplished. Domestic demand may then steadily expand and maintain development of the national economy be promoted.
  In order to achieve its goal of building a new socialist countryside, the Chinese government will adopt a series of measures. They include the allocation(划拨) of RMB 339.7 billion(US $ 42.5billion) from the central treasury in 2006 to agriculture, the countryside and farmers an increase of RMB 42.2 billion, over the 2005 figure, and of RMB 100 billion tohighway construction in rural areas. Abolition of agriculture taxes in 2006 make farmers better of by RMB 33. 6 billion. Charges and fees, including compulsory contributions to a gathered education fund, to the value of RMB 70 billion have also been abolished. In the coming five years, the Chinese treasury will invest RMB 20 billion in reconstructing township clinics and county hospitals and upgrading medical equipment. It is expected that by the year 2008, a cooperative system of medicine and medical aid will have been established in China’s rural areas. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has confirmed that the government willconcentrateoninfrastructure(基本设施) construction in the countryside, and make greater investments in irrigation and water conservancy, roads, methane pits(沼气池), power grids and communications. The standards for a “new countryside” are: developed production, relative affluence, a hygienic and pleasant social environment and democratic administration.
   1. According to the passage, under which conditions China’s progress can be achieved? ____.
   a. To develop the rural economy
   b. To construct the new homes for farmers
   c. To promote the living standards
   d. To improve the poor medical equipment
   A. abd B. bcd C. acd D. abc
   2. In 2005, the central treasury allocated RMB ____ billion to agriculture, the countryside and farmers.
   A. 339.7 B. 42.2 C. 297.5 D. 381.5
   3. The central treasury will allocate 20 billion in ____ in the next five years.
   A. compulsory education B. rural medical treatment
   C. highway construction D. infrastructure construction
   4. From the second paragraph, we can know ____.
   A. the Chinese government will take action to realize its plan of building a new socialist countryside
   B. the Chinese government will try its best to build a rich and strong country
   C. the Chinese government will go all out to support agriculture
   D. the Chinese government will offer much more money to farmers
(一)重点词语    1,diet n.饮食(可数或不可数)  与food近义,但是diet指习惯上吃的食物,又指规定的食物。特指维持健康的定质或定量的食物。food为一般用语,指任何能吃且有营养的东西,强调种类时可用复数。diet还可构成如下短语:  put sb.on a diet限制某人的饮食  be on a diet在节食,吃定量的食物  go on a diet节食,吃定量的食物
(A)[have sth. done/do/doing]  1.There is something wrong with the brake of my new car, and I'll haveto have it  A.to check B.checked  C.to be checked D.being checked  2._______What do you have in you
I.单项选择  1.____Miss Jones______music at Bardon School for ten years.__________No wonder I often hear her sing in her garden.  A.teaches B.used to teach  C.is teaching D.has been teaching  2.Tonny, you_
(A)    Good Heart to Lean on  More than I realized, Dad has helped me keep my balance.  When I was growing up, I was embarrassed(尴尬的) to be seen with my father. He was severely disabled and very __1__
I.句子填空  1.The prisoner managed to escape by____(化装成一个士兵).  2.The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n)_____(勇气和权利的象征).  3.(在他们看来),the plan is unsound and can't be carried out rightaw
Ⅰ.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)   1. It ____ in the year 2003 ____ the Chinese united as one to fight SARS.  A. is; thatB. was; thatC. was; whenD. is; when   2.It was Jia Sixie ____ wrote the book Qimin Yao
Unit 1    难点1be fond of用法  课文原句:I’m 15 and I’m fond of singing.  难点点拨:be fond of 喜欢,后面应接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。  Are you fond of our new English teacher?   你喜欢我们新来的英语老师吗?  I know you are fond of playing footbal
(A)    What is the most important day of your life? For many people theanswer is your Wedding Day--the day when you marry another person andpromise to live together as husband or wife for the rest of
Ⅰ.单项选择   1. Neither Tom with his students nor I ____ to pay for the accidental damage caused by the natural disaster.  A. amB. areC. isD. were   2. The woman is on a special ____ to ____ weight.  A. f
“among”和“between”虽然在意思上都表示“在……之间”,但是在具体用法上有所不同,我们在使用时应加以区别。  1. among一般指在三者或三者以上的人或事物之间,而between一般指在两者之间。例如:  She prefers to live among the working people.   她喜欢生活在劳动人民中间。  Come between nine and ten o