Units 13—14重难点解析

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  1,diet n.饮食(可数或不可数)
  put sb.on a diet限制某人的饮食
  be on a diet在节食,吃定量的食物
  go on a diet节食,吃定量的食物
秦始皇统一中国后,征集了数十万民夫,于公元前214年将秦、燕、赵三国北边的城墙连通、修缮合一,这便是举世闻名的万里长城。孟姜女万里寻夫送寒衣,哭倒长城八百里的传说就发生在那个时候。  This story happened during the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC). There was once an old man named Meng who lived in
1.What effects do you think the changes in eating habits will have on agriculture or nature?你认为饮食习惯的变化对农业或自然界的影响是什么?  [考点透析]  effect作名词讲时,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。意为“影响,效果”时,常构成have effects/a good(bad) effect
Unit 13     1. Being party members, we really ____ ____(应该) take the lead in everything.    2. Don’t run so fast that I can’t ____ ____ ____(赶上) you at all.    3. We have ____ ____(大量的) grain in store
it用法一直是高考考查的热点之一,现就2007年高考试题,对此用法考点作逐一解析如下:  一、考查it作形式主语和形式宾语   1. ____ felt funny watching myself on TV. (全国II)  A. One B. ThisC. It D. That  解析:答案为C。分析句子结构可知,本句是it作形式主语,watching myself on TV作真正主语的句型
Ⅰ.单项填空   1. He got used to ____ with others in English in the street.  A. talkB. talkingC. be talkedD. been talking    2. ——You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.  ——Well, now I reg
这是三个易混淆的词,都有“必须”的意思,但是在用法和意义上都有很大的不同。例如,must可以表示主观的义务和必要。主要用于肯定句和疑问句,表示肯定的猜测;而have to表示一种客观的需要,同时,have to与havegot to常可以互换。    一、must的用法
Ⅰ.单元要点, 选择最佳答案填空(15分)    1. My mother ____ the amount of food that I eat because I’m too fat.  A. limitsB. sharesC. slows downD. restores   2. ——Smoking is bad for your health.  ——Yes, I know. But I s
Ⅰ.单项选择   1. They live in a house in front ____ there are lots of trees.  A. of itB. of whichC. of thatD. of where   2. The soldier ____ in this story was in fact his grandfather.  A. refered toB. refe
Hold fast to dreams  For if dreams die  Life is a broken-winged bird  That cannot fly.    Hold fast to dreams  For when dreams go  Life is a barren field  Frozen with snow.
George Pickens had been making a wish daily as a worker at CentralBank.   All over the country banks were being__1____, George Pickensthought.__2____this bank? Didn't robbers hear of its four-millio