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1994年8月28日,一位年轻女子持着一份12,775.95元的定期存单和8626.41元现款向湖北房县审让局派驻在其单位的审计检查组走来……。一、“迷案”疑生地处鄂西北大山区的房县,近几年来,随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,城镇消费观念也发生了变化,特别在城镇有更多的市民将节余久置箱底的剩余现款不断转存银行取得利息。1985年以前,由于山城货币资金的有限流通,这里仅设有一家银行。随着市场货币流通的日益增多和市民收入的不断增多,银行机构也逐步向专业化分设,发展至今除原有人民银行外,已经分设成立了其他四家专 On August 28, 1994, a young woman came along with a copy of a 12,775.95 yuan time deposit certificate and a cash payment of 8,626.41 yuan to the auditing unit of the unit assigned by Fangxian Audit Bureau of Hubei Province. In recent years, with the development of economy and continuous improvement of people’s living standards, urban consumption concepts have also changed, especially in cities and towns Of the citizens will continue to save the remaining cash remaining at the end of the bank continue to deposit interest. Before 1985, there was only one bank here due to the limited circulation of the mountain capital. With the increasing circulation of market currency and the ever-increasing income of citizens, the banking institutions have gradually shifted their specialization to the specialization. Since the establishment of the banking sector, apart from the original People’s Bank, the other four specialized agencies have been established
现实的困扰与挑战 具有5千年悠悠历史的中华民族,正经历着历史进程中一场巨大的变革。 曾经伤痕累累的中国经济,正以傲视全球的速度迅猛发展。 然而,伴随着当前新旧体制的交
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Plants are created as living things.Living things have life go through stages of growth.Plants have life,and they grow.The earth also provides everything plants
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禄洪的《战场赋》篇幅不长,但结合战场环境和战士的表现,真实再现了战争的惨烈,读来荡气回肠。 Lu Hong’s “Battlefield Fu” space is not long, but combined with the