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“到2007年,力争实现每个产业经济总量翻番的初步战略目标,其中,竹木加工产业达到25亿元……”,这是不久前召开的中共江山市委十一届五次全体会议上提出的宏伟目标。位于浙、闽、赣3省交界处的江山,素有“东南锁钥、入闽咽喉”之称。全市土地总面积302万亩,其中林业用地面积210万亩,有林地面积1888万亩,森林覆盖率67.1%,森林蓄积量312万立方米。一直来,江山林业基础较好,特别是江山市委、市政府《关于加快江山市林业现代化建设的实施意见》出台后,围绕“建设五大工程,打造五大基地”的建设目标,真抓实干,林业生态体系和产业体系建设成效明显,竹木加工产业得到稳步发展,有力地推进了江山农业和农村现代化的进程。江山林业创造了奇迹:位于贺村的省竹木加工园区从无到有,迅速崛起,迄今为止已有入园企业近900家,2003年实现林业产业总产值14.22亿元。为促进优势产业提速发展,江山市委、市政府审时度势,作出了竹木加工产业“二次提升”的决定,并成立了由市委主要领导担任组长的领导小组。如何提升政策、提升产品、提升服务等,政府和相关部门在紧锣密鼓地筹划着。 “By 2007, we will strive to achieve the initial strategic goal of doubling the total economic output of each industry, of which the wood processing industry will reach 2.5 billion yuan.” This is not long ago held at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Committee of Jiangshan Municipal Party Committee Proposed grand goal. Located in Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi provinces at the junction of Jiangshan, known as “southeast lock key, into the throat,” said. The city’s total land area of ​​3.02 million mu, of which 2.11 million mu of forestry land, with 18.88 million mu of forest area, 67.1% of forest coverage, forest volume of 312 million cubic meters. All along, Jiangshan forestry base is good, especially Jiangshan municipal government “on accelerating the implementation of Jiangshan City Forestry Modernization Opinions” was introduced, “around the construction of five major projects to build five bases,” the construction goal, hard work, forestry The ecological system and industrial system have achieved remarkable results. The processing of bamboo and wood processing industry has been steadily developed, effectively pushing forward the process of agricultural and rural modernization in China. Jiangshan forestry has created a miracle: Located in Hecun province bamboo processing park from scratch, the rapid rise of nearly 900 enterprises so far into the park, in 2003 the total output value of forestry industry 1.222 billion yuan. In order to promote the development of advantageous industries, Jiangshan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal People’s Government took the time to review the situation and made the decision of “second promotion” of bamboo processing industry. A leading group headed by the major leaders of the municipal government was established. How to improve policies, improve products, improve services, etc., the government and relevant departments are planning in full swing.
为了发展透平机械等设备,前段时期从国外进口了一部分齿轮加工机床,其中从瑞士马格齿轮公司(Maag Gear-Wheel Co.Ltd)购买了几台磨齿机及齿轮测量仪。在1975年下半年和1976
庆祝《摩托车》创干QI6福两骊筛示贾面寻走护截,感持考谬母衣辞救劣风序像 刀讯又心潜承衣厅库。卜至 冻勺引,形州习邵、“红布 ;才sn心分戒家和旧户“竹粱咬选·誉和牛,布式