每年端午,江南民间有用苍术白芷烟熏以辟邪气的习俗。近代实验证明,苍术白芷烟熏有较强的消毒作用,6 M~3的小屋,用苍术白芷各125克烟熏,能杀灭屋内的白喉杆菌,伤寒杆菌,溶血性链球菌,金黄色葡萄球菌和多种结核杆菌,对于辟秽祛邪,预防疾病发生和时疫的流行都有积极的意义。市场上供应的苍术白芷烟熏剂,一般由苍术,白等和艾叶组成,生药混和,焚烧方式原始落后,使用不便且易发生燃烧情况,所以苍术白芷烟熏虽有杀菌祛邪的功效,但仍不容易被人们接受、销售量逐年递减。
Every year at the Dragon Boat Festival, Jiangnan folks use the technique of white smoke to set off evil spirits. Modern experiments have shown that the white smoked atractylodes lucidum has a strong disinfectant effect, and 6 M~3 huts are smoked with 125 grams each of atractylodes macrocephalus and can kill diphtheria typhi, typhoid bacillus, hemolytic streptococcus, golden yellow grapes in the house. Staphylococcus and various Mycobacterium tuberculosis have positive meanings for dispelling evils, preventing diseases and epidemics. The herbicides of the herbicide, Cangxiong Baiji, are generally composed of herbs, whites, and leaves, and are mixed with raw herbs. The incineration method is primitive and backward, and it is inconvenient to use and prone to burning. Therefore, although the white smoke of Cangzhu has the effect of sterilizing and dispelling evil spirits, It is still not easy to be accepted by people and the sales volume is declining year by year.