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新科技革命的突飞猛进,使知识在经济发展中所起的作用越来越显著,使人类进入21世纪的时候迎来了一个知识经济时代。而知识经济的发展将创造巨大的经济效益和社会效益,是世界各国实现可持续发展的根本途径。它将有利于改变劳动结构,促进分配制度的根本变革。更重大要的是它将促进产业创新,有利于产业结构的升级和优化。所以创新就成为知识经济时代鲜明的特征。知识经济时代的来临,将不可避免地从根本上动摇各类组织的管理思想、管理制度和管理方式,现代图书馆的管理也概莫能外。 The rapid advance of new scientific and technological revolution has made the role of knowledge more and more significant in economic development, which has ushered in a knowledge-based economy when mankind entered the 21st century. The development of knowledge-based economy will create tremendous economic and social benefits and is the fundamental way for all countries in the world to achieve sustainable development. It will be conducive to changing the structure of labor and promoting the fundamental transformation of the distribution system. What is even more important is that it will promote industrial innovation and be conducive to the upgrading and optimization of the industrial structure. Therefore, innovation has become a distinctive feature of the era of knowledge economy. The advent of the era of knowledge-based economy will inevitably fundamentally shake the management thinking, management system and management style of all kinds of organizations, and the management of modern libraries is beyond all control.
China National Museum of Fine Arts is one ofthe ten landmark buildings in Beijing built in the1950s in celebration of the 10th anniversary ofthe founding of Ne
上海众华沪银会计师事务所有限公司(以下简称“本公司”)成立于1 985年,1 988年改制成有限责任公司。本公司为首批取得从事证券期货相关业务及从事金融、保险机构审计执业资
星期天的Sardana舞、蜿蜒曲折的小道、庄严的大教堂和一家一家令人眼花缭乱的精品商店…… 曾经是公元前15世纪时罗马时期所谓的Barcino,巴塞罗那的发源地。在城市历史博物
十四岁的花季,给我留下迷人的回忆。 严寒的冬天里,我去黑龙江的漠河,参加北极村的冬令营活动。那一段不平凡的经历,使我终生难忘! 最难忘的一幅画,永远印在我的脑海里。1994
我们的工作平凡得被人看不起,但我们却很自豪,因为我们擦试着祖国的窗口,让国内外游客带走的,不仅仅是登上万里长城的骄傲,也带走对北京和中国优美环境的美好回忆。 ——赵国
早想去逛燕莎,却一直没有余暇。93年圣诞前夕,想给在国外的姐姐买礼品,决定会趟燕莎,体验一下在那里当“上帝”的滋味。 圣诞节前夕的燕莎,笼罩着融融的气氛。圣诞老人站在