Analysis of Film Cooling Effectiveness on Shaped Hole and Antivortex Hole

来源 :Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ai2676886
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Film cooling is introduction of a secondary fluid (coolant or injected fluid) at one or more discrete locations along a surface exposed to a high temperature environment to protect that surface not only in the immediate region of injection but also downstream region. This paper numerically investigated the film cooling effectiveness on two types of hole geometries which are cut-shaped hole and antivortex hole. The 3D computational geometries are modeled with a single 30 deg angled hole on a flat surface. The different blowing ratios of 0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5 and k-Epsilon turbulence model are used in this study. A two dimensional distribution of film cooling effectiveness in the downstream region of the cooling hole is performed. A comparison of spanwise averaged effectiveness is also performed in the field starts from center point of hole to X/D=30. Film cooling is introduction of a secondary fluid (coolant or injected fluid) at one or more discrete locations along a surface exposed to a high temperature environment to protect that surface not only in the immediate region of injection but also downstream region. This paper numerically investigated the film cooling effectiveness on two types of hole geometries which are cut-shaped holes and antivortex hole. The 3D computational geometries are modeled with a single 30 deg angled hole on a flat surface. The different blow ratios of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 , 2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5 and k-Epsilon turbulence models are used in this study. A two dimensional distribution of film cooling effectiveness in the downstream region of the cooling hole is performed. A comparison of spanwise averaged effectiveness is also performed in the field starts from center point of hole to X / D = 30.
胡锦涛总书记提出的以“八荣八耻”为主要内容的社会主义荣辱观,内涵丰富,体现了中华民族传统美德与时代精神的有机结合,体现了社会主义基本道德规范的本质要求, The social
昨天晚上我做了一个可怕的梦,醒来之后全身冰凉,满脑冷汗。你一定想知道我做了什么可怕的梦吧?别急,听我慢慢道来。  梦中,我们正在上第二节课。我第一个写完课堂作业后,到前面讲桌处找老师批改。很幸运,题都做对了。我兴高采烈地往回走,刚走一半时,忽然感觉一阵冷风从后面袭来,随后脑袋就被什么东西“啪”的一声打中了,吓得毫无防备的我脖子一缩。我用手揉了揉脑袋,一看掉在地上的是作业本,便气愤地想转头看是谁扔的