政府重视 领导负责 搞好扶贫通电工程

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我们泗洪县是江苏省贫困县,也是全省无电村最多的县份,在全省339个无电村中,我县无电村就占88个。这不仅关系到贫困地区农民的生活,而且还制约着我县经济的发展,同时,对泗洪的对外形象也有着直接的影响。为了改变贫困地区电力落后的状况,县政府痛下决心,实施扶贫通电工程。3年时间,工程投资1亿多元,其中省里补助资金高达7136万元,占总投资的67%。这是一个千载难逢的机遇。 扶贫通电工程,最关键的问题就是资金问题。我县扶贫通电的资金实行“拼盘”解决,主要采取三条渠道,一是省、市补一点,二是地方出一点,三是农户筹一点,并规定地方、农户的自筹资金必须与省、市补助资金同时到位。对于乡村该出的240万元资金,原则上由乡村筹措。乡财政一时负担有困难的,从公积金、超生子女罚款、乡村企业上交的利润以及其它乡村集体资金中调剂解决。坚持“谁受益、谁负担”的原则,该农户负担的470万元资金,采取强有力的措施,一分不少的拿上来。对于下达的自筹资金的任务,各乡(镇)没有讨价还价、拖延余地。对于不能按时到位的有关乡(镇),要求他们向县政府说出原因。对于已到位的资 Sihong County is a poor county in Jiangsu Province, and it is also the county with the most electricity-free villages in the province. In the province’s 339 villages without electricity, 88 villages without electricity in our county accounted for 88. This is not only related to the lives of farmers in impoverished areas, but also restricts the development of our county economy. At the same time, it also has a direct impact on Sihong’s external image. In order to change the backwardness of power in poor areas, the county government is determined to implement poverty alleviation projects. In 3 years, the project has invested more than 100 million yuan, of which the provincial subsidy amounted to 71.36 million yuan, accounting for 67% of the total investment. This is a golden opportunity. The key issue in poverty alleviation projects is funding. The funds for poverty alleviation in our county are solved by “platters.” Three channels are mainly adopted: first, the province and the city make up one point; second, there is a point at the locality; thirdly, the farmers raise a little, and the local and peasant households must be self-financing with the province, City grant funds are in place at the same time. Funding for 2.4 million yuan in rural areas is in principle raised by the village. If the township finances are difficult to bear for the time being, they will be dealt with in the adjustment from provident funds, fines for children born in the past, profits made by rural enterprises, and other rural collective funds. Insisting on the principle of “who benefits and who will bear the burden”, the farmer shoulders 4.7 million yuan of funds and takes strong measures to take up a lot of points. Regarding the task of issuing self-raised funds, the townships (towns) did not bargain and delay. For those townships (towns) that cannot be on time, they are asked to tell the county government why. For the funds already in place
为稳定农村电价,解决部分农村电工信不住、靠不住、管不住的问题,在1995年河南省局西平会议之后,河南省温县结合农村用电管理的实际,进一步落实了农电体改的深化工作.1 农村
我们南方农村房子分散,雨季多,造成用电管理复杂,线损居高不下,甚至部分行政村线损率高达52%,因此,计量管理成为农电管理中的老大难问题. Our rural houses in the South ar
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