【摘 要】
在蔬菜育苗过程中,常因天气及管理不当,出现不正常生长情况。其主要症状和防治措施为: 1.徒长苗症状为茎细,节间长,叶薄,色淡,主要是高温、高湿所造成。防治方法一是根据幼
在蔬菜育苗过程中,常因天气及管理不当,出现不正常生长情况。其主要症状和防治措施为: 1.徒长苗症状为茎细,节间长,叶薄,色淡,主要是高温、高湿所造成。防治方法一是根据幼苗对温湿度的要求,及时通风,尤其是在夜间温度要适当低些;二是要保证透明覆盖物
In the vegetable nursery process, often due to improper weather and management, there is abnormal growth. The main symptoms and prevention measures are as follows: 1. Acute symptoms of stems thin stems, internodes, thin leaves, pale, mainly caused by high temperature, high humidity. Control methods First, according to the requirements of temperature and humidity seedlings, timely ventilation, especially at night temperatures should be appropriate lower; second is to ensure that the transparent cover
大气湍流畸变波前可以分解为线性相关的相干结构与满足高斯分布的背景组合.Hartmann 波前传感器获得一定距离大气湍流扰动的波前时间序列,任意波前可以表示为时间相关的主
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The insulin signal pathway plays an important role in regulating cell growth and cell proliferation.The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the