司马迁《史记·项羽本纪》中“鸿门宴”一节,被誉为“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》”的典范,历代读书人莫不知晓。而今电视连续剧《淮阴侯韩信》却让鸿门宴上“凭空”跳出个韩信来,编导可谓胆大如斗。但待品酌《韩》剧后,我又不禁由衷地为此而叫绝! 请看《韩》剧鸿门宴:帐内觥筹交错却掩饰不了刀光斧影,项羽妇人之仁,亚父心急如焚,张良游刃有余,刘邦曲膝逢迎使尽解数“谢罪”,这无不再现史
Sima Qian “Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ben Ji” in the “Banquet Banquet” section, known as “the epic of the historian, without rhyme” Li Sao “model, ancient scholar without knowing. Now TV series ”Huaiyin Hou Han Xin“ Banquet hung on the door but ”out of thin air“ out of a Han Xin letter, director can be described as courageous. However, to be the product of ”South Korea“ play, I can not help but sincerely for the sake of it! Look at the ”Han“ drama Banquet: the account can not conceal the mistreatment knife shadows, Xiang Yu woman’s benevolence, father anxious, Zhang Good ease, Liu Bangqu knees make every attempt to solve the problem of ”apology", which are all re-history