Highly luminescent and stable lead-free cesium copper halide perovskite powders for UV-pumped phosph

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:herirong
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Lead halide perovskites have drawn extensive attention over recent decades owing to their outstanding photoelectric performances. However, their toxicity and instability are big issues that need to be solved for further commercialization. Herein, we adopt a facile dry ball milling method to synthesize lead-free Cs3Cu2X5 (X=I, Cl) perovskites with photoluminescence (PL) quantum yield up to 60%. The optical features including broad emission spectrum, large Stokes shift, and long PL lifetime can be attributed to self-trapped exciton recombination. The as-synthesized blue emissive Cs3Cu2I5 and green emissive Cs3Cu2Cl5 lead-free perovskite powders have good thermal stability and photostability. Furthermore, UV-pumped phosphor-converted light-emitting diodes were obtained by using Cs3Cu2I5 and Cs3Cu2Cl5 as phosphors.
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提出一种半主动寻的激光制导干涉编码方法, 在传统时序编码基础上加入多子光束相干发射系统产生的空间干涉图样, 形成时空域相融合的编码信号。设计一种多子光束相干发射系统, 依据子光束良好的空间相干性进行空间构图, 形成编码可控的空间干涉图样。计算结果表明: 当参数K值(子光束对角线之比)在2.5~3.5之间时, 干涉图样明暗相间程度最为明显, 干涉图样最为纯净; 当子光束相干发射系统中分束镜的位置偏移小于0.1 ?姿(?姿为激光波长), 角度偏离小于0.1 ?兹0(?兹0为光束发散角)时, 发射系统机械振动对
针对机载合成孔径激光雷达实测数据成像中旁瓣较高的问题, 提出一种新旁瓣抑制算法。压缩感知理论表明, 稀疏信号恢复重构过程的同时, 信号旁瓣会被压低, 但合成孔径激光雷达图像不是稀疏的。针对这一问题, 提出了一种基于改进SVA(Spatially Variant Apodization)和压缩感知重构SAL图像的旁瓣抑制算法。首先, 利用改进SVA算法将SAL图像变稀疏, 然后再利用压缩感知算法对稀疏图像进行恢复。分别对SAL仿真数据和实际高旁瓣SAL复图像进行抑制旁瓣处理。仿真结果表明: 该算法能够在保证