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中国人对于奥运会的清晰记忆可以追溯到1984年洛杉矶奥运会,也正是从这届奥运会开始,中国实现了金牌零的突破,中国与奥运开始了直面接触,新华社奥运之战也从此拉开了序幕。信息时代的奥运资讯,无处不在。雅典奥运,电视直播的叱咤风云,铺天盖地的互联网海量信息,各大报媒眼中的奥运争相粉墨登场,人们通过各种媒体来感受“爱琴海的浪漫”。 新华社作为国家和世界性通讯社,承担着全方位报道奥运盛况的任务,新华社快速发出的文字与图片雪片般涌向四面八方,新华社的声音传遍世界各地,席卷中国各大媒体。从1984年开始,新华社驰骋六届奥运,规模一次比一次大,水平一次比一次高,市场反应也一次比一次强烈。所有这一切,如果没有强有力的技术作后盾,新华社奥运报道很难取得如此骄人的成绩。奥运归来,面对雅典奥运丰硕的战果,我们特别采访了技术局局长谢胜和、体育部主任高殿民,以深入了解新华社雅典奥运报道的技术内幕与实施细节。谢胜和、高殿民皆为新华社雅典奥运报道团副团长,他们与马胜荣(新华社副社长)团长等一起带领整个报道团圆满完成了此次奥运报道任务。奥运精神不断地鼓舞着人们,追踪奥运足迹,揭开技术内幕,再度回首,共同感受科技奥运的辉煌。 Chinese people’s clear memories of the Olympic Games can be traced back to the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games. It is exactly from this Olympics that China achieved a breakthrough in gold medal. China started direct contact with the Olympic Games and the battle of Xinhua News Agency Olympic Games was also started prelude. Olympic information in the information age is everywhere. Athens Olympic Games, all-terrain television broadcast, the vast amount of information on the Internet, the major newspapers in the Olympics come out on stage, people through a variety of media to feel the “romantic Aegean Sea.” Xinhua News Agency, as a country and a worldwide news agency, undertakes the task of reporting on all aspects of the Olympic Games in an all-round way. Xinhua News Agency quickly issued words and pictures in all directions. Xinhua News Agency spread its voices all over the world and swept across all major media in China. Since 1984, Xinhua News Agency has been riding the six-nation Olympic Games. The scale of the six Olympic Games has been bigger and bigger once and again, and the market response has been stronger and stronger once and for all. All of this, if not backed by strong technology, it is very difficult for Xinhua News Agency Olympic coverage to achieve such impressive results. Returning to the Olympics, in the face of the fruitful results of the Athens Olympics, we specially interviewed Xie Shenghe, the director of the Technical Bureau, and Gao Dianmin, the director of the Sports Department, to learn more about the technology insider and implementation details of the Xinhua News Agency-Athens Olympics. Xie Shenghe and Gao Dianmin both served as deputy head of the Athens Olympic Games reporting team of Xinhua News Agency. Together with Ma Shengrong (vice president of Xinhua News Agency), they led the entire report mission to complete the task of the Olympic report. The Olympic spirit continues to inspire people, track the Olympic footprint, uncover the technology insider, and look back again to share the brilliant Olympic Games.
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