运用商务概念 商务咨询赚大钱

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业内详情:如果你是商务专家,要么能在营销方面大展神通,要么善于企业重组,或者懂得如何树立良好的企业形象,或是精于任何商务上的事情,那么你正适合做一位商务顾问。你可以不用按部就班地给公司打工,而是自主工作,给一群客户提供专门的咨询服务。这项业务的优势是可以在家上班,不必再朝九晚六,但同时你还能够体验商海的刺激,把握商务运作的脉搏。缺点是要花上一段时间业务才能走上轨道,可能会有过多的外出办公。另外,客户的员工可能会觉得你的到来是他们的威胁。成功要诀:你得具备优秀的专业背景以及精湛的推销术,才能让你的潜在客户信服。同时你要善于沟通,懂得如何处理人际关系,因为你常常是作为一名“外来者”到一个公司去工作。情况可好可坏,这要看公司里的人际关系如何了。硬件设施:你在专业方面得有顶级的资历,比如曾任要职,具备专业资格证,是有名望的专业团体的成员,曾发表过著作或文章,或者曾担任过相关课程与培训的教师。你还得有个关系网,有一群同事和商界朋友认可你的专长。除了你的头脑,当然你还要有一些标准的办公设备,一台电脑、激光打印机、传真机和日常办公软件。 Industry details: If you are a business expert, you can either show your marketing skills, or be good at corporate restructuring, or know how to establish a good corporate image, or be good at any business matters, then you are suitable for a business consultant. You can work without a step by step, but you can work independently and provide a group of customers with specialized consulting services. The advantage of this business is that you can work from home instead of facing nine or six nights, but at the same time you can also experience the stimulation of business sea and grasp the pulse of business operations. The downside is that it takes a while for the business to get on track and there may be too much out of office. In addition, customers’ employees may feel that your arrival is their threat. Success Tips: You must have excellent professional background and superb marketing skills to convince your potential customers. At the same time, you must be good at communication and know how to deal with relationships because you often work as a “outsider” to a company. The situation is either good or bad, depending on how the company’s relationships are. Hardware Facilities: You have top professional qualifications, such as a senior manager, a professional qualification certificate, a member of a prestigious professional body, a former author or a former teacher, or a teacher who has served in related courses and training. You also need to have a network of relationships. A group of colleagues and business friends approve your expertise. In addition to your mind, of course, you need to have some standard office equipment, a computer, a laser printer, a fax machine, and daily office software.
Part Ⅰ Vocabulary (15 points,one point each)Directions:There are 15 sentences in this part.In each sentence,there is an itali-cized word.Below each sentence,t
一个地处小巷深处的小菜摊,一天能卖几千斤各类蔬菜,月利润上万元,年赚10万元。他到底有什么制胜法宝呢? A small vegetable stall located in the depths of an alleyway c
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