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流亡东瀛著书立说大革命失败后,国内一片白色恐怖。陈启修在国内无法立足,被迫流亡到日本,这时期,他与中共失去联系,易名豹隐。陈豹隐以掌握五种外语的优势,潜心研究马列主义经济学。他的主要著作有《经济现象的体系》、《新政治学》、《科学的社会观》。他最重要的贡献是,作为 After leaving the Great Book of the East China, saying that the Great Revolution failed, there was a white terror in the country. At a time when Chen Qixiu was unable to gain a foothold in Japan and was forced to flee to Japan, he lost contact with the CCP and was renamed Leopard. Chen leans in order to grasp the advantages of five foreign languages, with great concentration on Marxism-Leninism economics. His major works are “System of Economic Phenomena,” “New Politics,” and “Scientific Social Outlook.” His most important contribution is, as
We present integrated-optic building blocks and functional photonic devices based on amorphous siliconon-insulator technology. Efficient deep-etched fiber-to-ch
In this paper, we proposed a way to realize an Er-doped random fiber laser(RFL) with a disordered fiber Bragg grating(FBG) array, as well as to control the lasi
We investigate in this paper the influence of slow light on the balance between the Kerr and two-photon absorption(TPA) processes in silicon slotted hybrid nonl
A mode-locked thulium-doped fiber laser(TDFL) based on nonlinear polarization rotation(NPR) with different net anomalous dispersion is demonstrated. When the ca
根据现行中央进口化肥价格改革规定,最近国家计委办公厅分别下达了中国农业生产资料集团公司经营的两批进口化肥港口交货价格。 According to the provisions of the curre
当11月10日中国被正式接纳为 WTO 成员之际,突然想起了“关系千万重”这句话。它原是历史学家黄仁宇一本评论集的书名,现在用采描述这场触及中国社会经济和生活每个角落的重