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儿子小时候,具备了婴幼儿讨人喜欢的两大特点:既白又胖。他长得不漂亮,尤其是鼻粱矮,鼻孔朝天。他的属相是猪,我们叫他名字“迅迅”时,都变成了“亨亨”。儿子说话和走路是同步学会的,刚好一岁零一个月。正是春天,我便借机给他断了奶。断奶后由于一度营养跟不上,本来会走路的儿子又开始爬了起来。为这事,母亲一直埋怨我。久而久之,儿子也知道了这段“灾难”。有时他跟我讲理,我生气地说:“吃我的奶长大的,还敢顶嘴。”他反驳说:“吃着你的奶好好的,突然停止了供应,害得我从人类社会又回到了类人猿时代。”儿子从小爱看书,一岁多给他一本画书,他就翻来覆去地看,不厌其烦。看书的习惯,一直伴随着儿子长大。为了他的学习,有时不让他看杂书,他就偷着看。在他自己的小天地里,到处都是书。有卡通书,有军事杂志,有武侠小说,有科幻知识。他上厕所得用半个小时,家里人多轮不开便纷纷指责他。可不管你怎样急,他都是慢腾腾的。为这,他上厕所前,我们都会监督他手中是否有书。后来他将书藏在上衣里,有时干脆提前放在洗衣机底下。我在洗衣服时,经常发现底下被水淹了的书。晚上,怕影响他第二天上学,我们就不断地敲门催他睡觉。每 When I was a child, I had two pleasing features for infants and young children: white and fat. He did not look beautiful, especially nose and short, nostrils. His character is a pig, and when we call his name “fast”, it becomes “Hengheng.” Sons talking and walking are synchronized learning, just one year and one month old. It was spring, I took the opportunity to give him a broken milk. After weaning as nutrition can not keep up, the son who would have walked began to climb again. My mother kept complaining to me about this. Over time, my son also knew this “disaster.” Sometimes he told me that I was angry and said, “Dare to talk to me when I grow my milk.” He retorted: “Eating your milk is good and suddenly stops the supply, Back to the ape era. ”Son of love reading, more than a year old to give him a picture book, he turned over to see, take the trouble. The habit of reading books, has been accompanied by his son grew up. For his study, sometimes not let him read the miscellaneous books, he steal to see. In his own little world, there are books everywhere. There are cartoon books, military journals, martial arts novels, and science fiction. He took half an hour to go to the toilet, many people did not open the family have accused him. No matter how anxious you are, he is slow. Because of this, before we go to the bathroom, we will supervise whether or not there is a book in his hands. He later hid his book in his coat, sometimes simply placed under the washing machine. When I was doing my laundry, I often found the flooded book underneath. Night, afraid of affecting him the next day go to school, we continue to knock him to sleep door. each
“养正”二字,是荡口实验小学传承百年的学校精神。“养正”文化是一种永不磨灭的、物化在师生心灵深处的精神文化。贴近学生生命的需要,引领 “Yang Zheng ” word, is mo
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