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优衣库邀请卡尔·拉格菲尔德、LadyGaga.维多利亚·贝克汉姆,布莱克·莱弗利等10位著名设计师或明星.每人设计一款限量版“The Save Japan UT!Project”T恤从6月25日起,以每件199美元(约合人民币130元)的价格在世界各地的优衣库店铺中发售,并会从所得收入中拿出一亿日元.捐赠给日本红十字会作为赈灾基金。
目前治疗原发性肝癌(PHC)仍以手术切除为首选, 然多数PHC一经发现, 均已处中晚期, 丧失了手术机会, 即使有手术切除指征者, 也由于诸多因素(对疾病的认识、经济原因等)错失了
The existence of spiral solution for the two-dimensional transport equations is considered in the present paper. Based on the notion of generalized solutions in
Let R be a ring and S a class of R-modules. S-superfluous epimorphisms and S-essential monomorphisms are introduced and studied in this article. As applications
The Poincaré-Bertrand formula takes an important position in the study of complex singular integral.The Poincaré-Bertrand formula on the complex spher
In this article,some necessary and sufficient conditions are shown in order that the inequality of the form Φ1(λ)Pu(f> λ) ≤ Ev(Φ2(C|f∞|)) holds with some
The usual Kato smoothing estimate for the Schrdinger propagator in 1D takes the form |‖x|1/2eitxxu0‖Lx∞L2t■‖u0‖Lx2. In dimensions n ≥ 2 the smoothi
In this article,we consider the controllability of a quasi-linear heat equation involving gradient terms with Dirichlet boundary conditions in a bounded domain