
来源 :陕西农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wamaim
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棉铃虫是我省棉花的主要害虫。关中地区一年发生四代,第二代进入棉田,危害最重,故应抓紧防治。以往采用化学防治,费钱费工,且效果不够稳定。目前国内外多采用生物防治,弥补其不足。唯赤眼蜂类型的选择关系到防治的成败。我们于1982年用省植保所鉴选的拟澳洲赤眼蜂优良种下型—苹澳赤,在大荔县城关公社5800亩棉田,对第二代棉铃虫进行了防治示范。示范区的棉花品种为岱字16号和陕1155。4月中旬播种。种植密度每亩5000—7000株。放蜂时棉株处于盛蕾期,株高约40厘米左右。二代棉铃虫发生和放蜂期间(6月份)平均气温为24.7℃,相对湿度为58%,雨量为47.7毫米,降雨8次,平均风速2.6米/秒。 Cotton bollworm is the main pest of cotton in our province. In the Guanzhong area, four generations occur a year, and the second generation enters the cotton fields, harming the most. Therefore, we should pay close attention to prevention and control. In the past, chemical control, costly labor, and the effect is not stable enough. At present, more use of biological control at home and abroad to make up for its deficiencies. The choice of the type of Trichogramma only has a bearing on the success or failure of control. In 1982, we selected the best trichogramma species from Australia under the Phyto-National Institute for Plant Protection, Ping’ao Aoti, and the 5800 mu of cotton fields in Chengguan Commune, Dali County to prevent and control the second generation of cotton bollworm. Demonstration area of ​​cotton varieties Dai Dai No. 16 and Shaanxi 1155. Seeding in mid-April. Planting density of 5000-7000 plants per acre. When the bee is put in the bud, the height of the plant is about 40 centimeters. During the occurrence and the bee-keeping of the second generation cotton bollworms, the average temperature in June was 24.7 ℃, the relative humidity was 58%, the rainfall was 47.7 mm, the rainfall was 8 times and the average wind speed was 2.6 m / s.
稻纵卷叶螟(绑虫、舐虫)是我县水稻主要虫害之一.一般减产20%左右,受害严重的减产50%以上, Rice leaf roller (Binder, pinworm) is one of the main rice pests in our co
一、蜂种 (一)种型寄生于当地马尾松毛虫卵内的“松毛虫赤眼蜂”(种型、学名待定)或“广赤眼蜂”(Trichogramma evanescenswestw)。以柞蚕卵为寄主时发育起点温度5℃,有效积