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回顾 IT 业一年来的风雨和波折,人们发现,正是那些新技术、新产品和新应用在改变着人们的生活方式,推动着社会经济的高速发展。.com 的泡沫飞扬并不意味着 IT 业的总体下滑,相反,IT 技术向整个社会经济的横向渗透和传统企业的 e 化转型,将给新世纪初的互联网服务行业带来真正的机遇和挑战怀旧是为了求新,“为了告别的聚会”是为了下一次整装待发。千年交替的 IT 业已经进入了一个以客户为中心、依仗咨询与服务制胜的“严肃电子商务时代”,IT 技术的发展也莫不因循市场规律的引导。2001年 IT 技术的热点是什么,是存储、集成,ASP、CRM,还是基础设施、网络安全?哪些技术将在今年甚至更长的时间里成为主导?这是新千年 IT 业共同关注的焦点。道路是曲折的,“愿景”和梦想就在前方!在终于到来的21世纪的“IT 元年”里,每个行业每个人都有理由欢欣鼓舞,我们的社会和经济也前所未有地从“偶 Looking back at the ups and downs in the IT industry over the past year, people have discovered that it is these new technologies, new products and new applications that are changing people’s lifestyles and driving the rapid development of the social economy. The dotcom bubble of .com does not mean that the overall decline of the IT industry. On the contrary, the horizontal penetration of IT technology to the entire social economy and e-transformation of traditional enterprises will bring real opportunities and challenges to the Internet services industry at the beginning of the new century. Nostalgia is for the sake of seeking new things. “Farewell party” is for the next time. The millennium-old IT industry has entered a “serious e-commerce era” of customer-centricity, relying on consulting and service, and the development of IT technology cannot follow the guidance of market laws. What are the hot spots of IT technology in 2001? Are storage, integration, ASP, CRM, infrastructure, or network security? Which technologies will become dominant this year or even longer? This is the focus of the IT industry in the new millennium. The road is tortuous, and the vision and dream are ahead! In the 21st century “IT first year” that finally arrived, everyone in every industry has reason to rejoice, and our society and economy are never seen before.
今年以来,重庆永荣局发电厂对职工关心的十大热点问题上墙公开,找到了一条使思想政治工作与生产经营管理有效结合的新方法。 该厂“十公开”的具体内容是:领导联系班组公开,
本报记者王心报道 4月26日,国家信息中心国家计委学术委员会软件评测研究中心,举行基于目录服务的电子政府整体解决方案和数字化办公软件RiseNet4.6版的发布会。该平台的建
联想基于 Intel P4处理器的多款商用电脑近日大幅降价,其中奔月2800(P41.3G/128M/40G)降于7999元,降幅达20%。另外,与此次 P4产品降价相配合,联想商用电脑还同时向用户推出
说起渠道,“扁平化”恐怕是最常被提及的词语之一。分销商们为了更好地在网络时代下生存和发展,纷纷打出了自己的特色牌。有建立 e-distribution,以提高货物运转效率的;有改