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亨利耶特?荷妮耶(Henriette Renié)是法国杰出的竖琴演奏家、作曲家和教育家.她是竖琴界的传奇人物,她为竖琴音乐的传承和推广倾注了毕生的热情、心血和精力,给世人留下了许多宝贵的知识财富.属于荷妮耶的第一部大规模竖琴独奏作品《传奇》(Légende),不仅是近现代竖琴音乐的创新经典之作,还是后代作曲家参考借鉴、模仿使用的典范,更成为今日国际竖琴大赛常用的指定曲目之一.《传奇》属于标题性音乐,它全面展示了竖琴作为独奏乐器的艺术功能及演奏技巧,文章主要从曲式结构、创作特点和演奏手法等方面对其进行分析研究.
In this paper is investigated the generalized projective synchronization of a class of chaotic (or hyperchaotic) systems, in which certain parameters can be sep
This paper proposes two schemes to generate the multi-atom cluster states. The first scheme is based on the interaction of atoms with a highly detuned cavity mo
In order to search for promising candidates for spintronic applications,this paper systematically studies three teary compounds based on Mn5Ge3 by using a full-
We present in this paper a quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) protocol by using partially entangled states. In the scheme a third party (Trent) is intro
A universal theoretical approach is proposed which enables all hard sphere density functional approximations(DFAs) applicable to van der Waals fluids. The resul
就像传统银盐影像时代各厂商不断改进配方推出功能更强大的胶卷一样,在数码影像时代,图像传感器同样是技术革新的重点。本文介绍的并不是通常意义上的像素数升级, 而是传感器
We have studied the Hawking radiation of the Kerr-Newman-Kasuya black hole via gauge and gravitational anomaly in the dragging coordinates. The fluxes of the el
Starting from the vectorial Rayleigh-Sommerfeld integrals, the free-space propagation expressions for vectorial Hermite-Laguerre-Gaussian (HLG) beams beyond the
Response of the wave packet of a one-dimensional Coulomb atom to an intense laser field is calculated using the symmetrized split operator fast Fourier method.T