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班级乃教师和学生组成的一个生命共同体,班级管理是班主任工作的中心工作,班级管理工作的宗旨在于维系一个稳定和谐的班级环境,使师生友好交往、共同成长。笔者在多年的班级管理工作中,以学生为班级管理主体,让管理方式发生质的飞跃,有效提升了班级管理的质效,促使学生德性从他律到自律。学生自主管理模式既让学生得到充分锻炼,实现了德性的自我培育,同时又减轻了教师过重的工作负担,达到了师生双赢的喜人局面。 Class is a life community composed of teachers and students. Class management is the center work of class teacher. The purpose of class management is to maintain a stable and harmonious class environment so that teachers and students can make friendly exchanges and grow together. The author in many years of class management, student-class management of the main body, make a qualitative leap in management, effectively improve the quality of class management, and promote student morality from his law to self-discipline. Students self-management model not only allows students to fully exercise, to achieve self-cultivation of virtue, while reducing the workload of teachers overloaded, reached a gratifying win-win situation for teachers and students.
1 法国第一次公布海湾战争的空袭效果幻影F1-CR执行的侦察任务,使包括制导炸弹(BGL)和AS30L导弹在内的激光制导武器对伊拉克目标的轰炸取得惊人效果。法国空军最近公布了由
Pancreatitis is the most common complication after endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP); the reported incidence of this complication varies fr
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Active host-pathogen interactions take place during infection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Outcomes of these interactions determine the effic