
来源 :疾病预防控制通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shizhongshan_2001
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目的评估敦格铁路甘肃段沿线地区目标人群鼠疫防治知识健康教育干预的效果,为鼠疫防治提供科学依据。方法统一设计调查问卷,通过调查目标人群干预前、后鼠疫防治知识知晓率变化进行干预效果评价。结果健康教育干预后敦格铁路甘肃段沿线地区人群对鼠疫防治知识,如“您知道鼠疫病吗”(χ2=388.8),“鼠疫是一种烈性传染病”(χ2=439.2),“阿克塞县和肃北县大部分地区是鼠疫疫区”(χ2=519.3),“鼠疫的”三不、三报“内容”(χ2=373.4),“接触、捕猎、剥食、贩卖旱獭可能使人感染鼠疫”(χ2=235.9),“在动物鼠疫疫区旱獭洞口逗留或小憩可能感染鼠疫”(χ2=446.9),“在鼠疫疫区内放牧时,不能与牧羊犬亲密接触”(χ2=429.5),“在鼠疫流行区野外活动时,束紧袖口裤口防蚤叮咬而防止感染鼠疫行为”(χ2=719.5)的知晓率均有大幅度提高,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。结论在鼠疫疫源地实施鼠疫防治知识宣传等干预措施,可以提高群众参与鼠疫防控自觉性和主动性,有利于形成群防群控鼠疫的局面。 Objective To evaluate the effects of health education intervention on target population of plague prevention and control in the target population along the Dagon Railway in Gansu Province and provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of plague. Methods The questionnaire was designed uniformly, and the intervention effect was evaluated by investigating the changes of awareness rate of prevention and control of plague before and after the intervention. Results After the intervention of health education, people in the Gansu section of the Dunghua railway had knowledge of prevention and control of plague, such as “Do you know plague disease” (χ2 = 388.8), “Plague is a strong infectious disease” (χ2 = 439.2) , “Most of the districts of Aixai County and Subei County are plague areas” (χ2 = 519.3), “three plagues of plague”, “three contents” (χ2 = 373.4), “ (Χ2 = 235.9), ”In the plague plague area may stay or rest in platycodon may plague“ (χ2 = 446.9), ”in the plague epidemic (Χ2 = 429.5), “In the field of endemic to the plague endemic area, tighten cuffs mouth flea bites to prevent plague infection” (χ2 = 719.5) in the area of ​​grazing, can not be intimate contact with the sheepdog Awareness rate increased significantly, the differences were statistically significant (both P <0.01). Conclusions The implementation of interventions such as dissemination of knowledge on plague prevention and control in the plague foci can improve people’s awareness and initiative in prevention and control of plague, which is good for the prevention and control of plague.
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