
来源 :中国农垦 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinshuai99
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旅大市第一農場七隊一組經营的蘋果園,是1953年建園的,全組职工27人,面積共98.1畝。栽植蘋果1,506株(主要品种是國光)、同年在蘋果行間間植葡萄5,437株。蘋果的株行距是8×8公尺,每行間植葡萄的株距是2公尺,它与蘋果的行距是4公尺(即蘋果行距8公尺之間)。这塊土地地势平坦,一般为粘性較强的沙壤土,故在蘋果、葡萄定植后,又利用果樹株行距之間的空隙种植了蔬菜。由于采取聞作方式,年年经营有利,不僅解决了幼樹培育费的基建投资,而且还給国家积累了利潤。1953年至1958年间作蔬菜和葡萄,累計共上缴 Luda market first farm seven teams operating a group of apple orchards, was built in 1953 Park, the entire group of 27 employees, covering a total area of ​​98.1 acres. 1,506 apples were planted (the main variety is Guoguang). In the same year, 5,437 grapes were planted between apple rows. The row spacing of apples is 8 x 8 meters. The spacing between rows of grapes is 2 meters. The spacing between rows of apples is 4 meters (that is, the distance between rows of apples is 8 meters). The land is flat and generally sandy loam with high viscosity. Therefore, after planting apples and grapes, vegetables are also planted in the spaces between the rows of fruit trees. Thanks to the method of taking notes, it is beneficial to operate every year, not only to solve the infrastructural investment of sapling fee but also to accumulate profits for the country. From 1953 to 1958 for vegetables and grapes, a total of total payment
摘要:如何充分调动问题学生的学习兴趣,如何做好问题学生的思想转化工作,对于我们“一线”的教师来说尤为重要。我认为教师要做这一部分学生的知己,多了解他们的思想,和他们“交心”, 用“只言片语”感化他们的心灵。达到“亲其师、信其道、乐其教”的境界,这样才能创建融洽的师生关系,才可以促进学生积极、主动地学习,师生共同健康成长,从而提高教育教学质量。  关键词:新课改 语文;朗读教学  古人云:“读书百遍
为了庆祝教师节,本刊在合肥市长江路152号安徽画廊内主办第二届《教师画廊》书画展。曾从事过教育工作的我省党政负责同志: In order to celebrate the Teacher’s Day, thi
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