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前级采用超β双极晶体管(BJT)的低噪声宽带光纤接收器已设计成功。即使采用商品供应的超β器件在这里不是最理想的,但用于中等带宽和带宽很宽的光接收器所能获得的输入灵敏度仍可与最好的场效应管(FET)线路相比拟,甚至更佳为了证明这一点,用超β BJT作为输入级制作了一个10MHz的模拟接收器。该接收器达到了预期的平均输入噪声电流密度:在500KΩ互阻(transresistance)下的整个带宽上小于0.4PA/HZ~(1/2)。本文介绍其详细的设计步骤。同时给出采用超β BJT的50MHz接收器的噪声特性。 The pre-low-noise broadband optical receiver with an ultra-beta bipolar transistor (BJT) has been designed. Even though the use of commercially available ultra-beta devices is not ideal here, the input sensitivity for light receivers with medium bandwidth and wide bandwidth is still comparable to the best field-effect transistor (FET) lines, Even better To prove this, a 10 MHz analog receiver was made using an ultra-β BJT as the input stage. The receiver achieves the expected average input noise current density of less than 0.4PA / HZ ~ (1/2) over the entire bandwidth of 500KΩ transresistance. This article describes its detailed design steps. At the same time, the noise characteristics of 50MHz receiver using ultra-β BJT are given.
改革开放十几年来 ,我国利用外商直接投资事业发展势头强劲 ,目前我国吸收外资额仅次于美国 ,居世界第 2位 ,占发展中国家吸引外资额的 40 %。外商投资企业在我国国民经济发
一个能实时工作的2400 b/s数字化声码器已研制成功。该声码器具有较好的语言质量,适用于低数码率的语言通信。 我们在语言声学和汉语信息理论研究的基础上,借助通用计算机非