
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songxinda
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Introduction. -To take in charge of an asthmatic child it is necessary to evaluate the lung function. Methods. -In this study, the Negative Expiratory Pressure (NEP) has been used for the first time in children with asthma. After lung spirometry by plethysmography,we have used the NEP to assess the prevalence of expiratory flow limitation (FL) during resting breath in 27 asthmatic children (mean age: 11± 2,5 years) 3-4 days after a crisis in both sitting and supine positions. Results. -All the children presented an obstructive defect (FEV1: 63± 13% med) and a dynamic hyperinflation (FRC: 128± 25% med). According to the NEP, 11 children presented an expiratory flow limitation (FL). Asthma was more severe in the FL than in non-FL children (GINA 2002 classification). Among the 11 FL children, 5 were FL in both sitting and supine position and 6 only in supine. Nine of the 27 children were FL with the conventional method. NEP seems a more accurate method to assess the clinical gravity of asthma than FEV1. The reduction of FRC in the supine position probably explains the greater incidence of FL in supine position. Conclusion. -Because of its easy execution, NEP seems to be well adapted for children. Links between FL detected by NEP and clinical signs of asthma has to be assessed by furthers studies including more patients. -This take, the Negative Expiratory Pressure (NEP) has been used for the first time in children with asthma. After lung spirometry by plethysmography, we have used the NEP to assess the prevalence of expiratory flow limitation (FL) during resting breath in 27 asthmatic children (mean age: 11 ± 2,5 years) 3-4 days after a crisis in both sitting and supine positions. According to the NEP, 11 children presented an expiratory flow limitation (FL). Asthma Among the 11 FL children, 5 were FL in both sitting and supine position and 6 only in supine. Nine of the 27 children were FL with the conventional method NEP seems a more accurate method to assess the clinical gravity of The reduction of FRC in the supine position probably explains the greater incidence of FL in supine position. Conclusion. -Because of its easy execution, NEP seems to be well adapted for children. Links between FL detected by NEP and clinical signs of asthma has to be assessed by furthers studies including more patients.
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