Effect of total ionizing dose radiation on the 0.25 μm RF PDSOI nMOSFETs with thin gate oxide

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Thin gate oxide radio frequency (RF) PDSOI nMOSFETs that are suitable for integration with 0.1 μm SOI CMOS technology are fabricated, and the total ionizing dose radiation responses of the nMOSFETs having four different device structures are characterized and compared for an equivalent gamma dose up to 1 Mrad (Si), using the front and back gate threshold voltages, off-state leakage, transconductance and output characteristics to assess direct current (DC) performance. Moreover, the frequency response of these devices under total ionizing dose radiation is presented, such as small-signal current gain and maximum available/stable gain. The results indicate that all the RF PDSOI nMOSFETs show significant degradation in both DC and RF characteristics after radiation, in particular to the float body nMOS. By comparison with the gate backside body contact (GBBC) structure and the body tied to source (BTS) contact structure, the low barrier body contact (LBBC) structure is more effective and excellent in the hardness of total ionizing dose radiation although there are some sacrifices in drive current, switching speed and high frequency response. Thin gate oxide radio frequency (RF) PDSOI nMOSFETs that are suitable for integration with 0.1 μm SOI CMOS technology are fabricated, and the total ionizing dose radiation responses of the nMOSFETs having four different device structures are characterized and compared for an equivalent gamma dose up to 1 Mrad (Si), using the front and back gate threshold voltages, off-state leakage, transconductance and output characteristics to assess direct current (DC) performance. Moreover, the frequency response of these devices under total ionizing dose radiation is presented, such as small-signal current gain and maximum available / stable gain. The results indicate that all the RF PDSOI nMOSFETs show significant degradation in both DC and RF characteristics after radiation, in particular to the float body nMOS. (GBBC) structure and the body tied to source (BTS) contact structure, the low barrier body contact (LBBC) structure is more effective and excellent in the hardness of total ionizing dose of radiation although there are some sacrifices in drive current, switching speed and high frequency response.
根据文字记载和传说,早在四千年前的原始社会就有了摔跤活动。当时,人们为了求得生存,在与自然界进行斗争中,在部落之间的冲突中,利用自己的力量、技巧取得食物和进行自卫,从而产生了古代的摔跤。  据南朝人任昉著的《述异记》中记载:“奏汉间说,蚩尤氏耳鬓如剑戟,头有角,与轩辕斗,以角抵人,人不能向。今翼州有乐名蚩尤戏,其两两三三,头戴牛角以相抵,汉造角抵戏,盖其遗制也。”这种“蚩尤戏”即古代摔跤的雏形。 
他是一位受人尊敬的老人,慈祥、敦厚,脸上总是漾着和善的微笑。这位早年毕业于上海圣约翰大学化学系的高级工程师孙廷芳先生,从事生物化学制药工业已近半个世纪了。 1943年,
本文利用Neil D.Fleming和Mills1992年设计的调查问卷,调查了湖北某高校会计专业本科生的学习风格或倾向。统计结果表明,单一倾向、适中、三种或四种复合方法的应用程度有极