
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gengyuefeng009
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有人认为,“这道题构思巧妙,独具匠心;只有这种题目才能考出教师和学校的水平。”对此,笔者提出质疑:这种题目真能考出教师和学校的水平吗? 要回答这个问题,首先要弄明白,我们要的是什么样的水平?小学教育是整个教育的基础,是提高民族素质的奠基工程。小学教育必须遵循儿童身心发展的规律,使他们受到比较全面的基础教育,得到生动活泼、主动的发展。因此小学教育的着眼点要放在打好基础上,放在全面提高学生的素质上。这就是我们所要达到的“水平”和所要实现的教育目标。为了把握和实现这个教育目标,教师在教学时,必须严格按照大纲要求和教材意图,既不能拔高要求,也不能降低标准;毕业会考的命题不能超出大纲要求和教材的范围。这样才能全面地完成教学任务,真实地反映小学阶段合格达标的水平。如果离开了打好基础这个根本宗旨,去追求什么高水平,就是舍本逐末,建造空中楼阁。那种凭空发展是靠不住的,也是我们不要的。 Some people think that “this question is well-designed and unique; only such a topic can be considered as the level of teachers and schools.” In response to this, the author asks: Does the subject really qualify for teachers and schools? To answer this question First of all, we must understand what level we want. Elementary education is the foundation of the entire education and is the foundational project to improve the national quality. Primary school education must follow the laws of children’s physical and mental development, so that they receive a more comprehensive basic education, get a lively and active development. Therefore, the focus of primary education should be on a good foundation and on the overall improvement of students’ quality. This is the “level” we have to achieve and the educational goals to be achieved. In order to grasp and realize this educational goal, teachers must strictly follow the requirements of the outline and the teaching materials when teaching. They can neither raise high demands nor reduce the standards; the propositions for graduation exams should not exceed the scope of the outline requirements and textbooks. Only in this way can we complete the teaching tasks in a comprehensive manner and truly reflect the level of qualified standards in the elementary school. If you leave the basic purpose of laying a good foundation and pursue a high standard, you will be building your castle in the air. That kind of development can’t be depended on. It’s also something we don’t want.