
来源 :财贸经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sm2998
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非稳定性批发交易关系是批发市场存在与发展的基础.非稳定性批发交易关系指交易条件或交易伙伴频繁变换的批发交易关系.它的实现需要交易双方经常接触与协调.在一定的条件下,有形的批发市场具有使交易者进行接触、协调、变换交易条件与交易伙伴的、交易成本最低的特点.认识这一点会有助于提高我国批发市场建设的科学性,同时,对在市场经济条件下,深化商业改革也具有深刻的指导意义. Non-stabilized wholesale trading relationship is the basis for the existence and development of wholesale markets. Non-steady wholesale trading relationships refer to trading conditions or trading partners that frequently change wholesale trading relationships. Its realization requires constant contact and coordination between both parties to the transaction. Under certain conditions The tangible wholesale market has the characteristics of enabling traders to contact, coordinate, change trading conditions and trading partners, and have the lowest transaction costs. Knowing this will help increase the scientificity of China’s wholesale market construction, and at the same time, Under the conditions, deepening commercial reforms also has profound guiding significance.
案例:F.G.贸易公司通过开证行开出信用证给卖方——农垦集团公司。信用证规定:“Shipment from Harbin,China to Paris.Mul-timodal transport document acceptable.Transhi
目前,国际市场上有中国人参、朝鲜和韩国的高丽参、美国和加拿大的花旗参(或西洋参)及日本人参。 人参需栽培4~6年以上方可收获,而且以含人参皂甙的多寡来衡量质量的高低。一
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