贪官鉴之淳于长 为贪而生为贪而死

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淳于长,魏郡元城人。他是西汉成帝时的贵族公卿,凭借显赫的母族势力攀附而上,得到皇帝宠信并掠取大量财富,货权纳贿,贪财不止,聚敛无度。他在政治舞台上混迹十余年,于国于民毫无建树。他的人生可以概括成一个字:贪。为贪而生,为贪而死。汉成帝时期,西汉统治日益衰败,外戚专权,贪官众多。上行下效,当时的地方官也都想及时了解皇帝的好恶,以便投其所好。但是由于远离皇帝,他们不得不依靠皇上身边的宠臣替自己疏通,因此便不断向朝廷大臣行贿。而淳于长凭借母族势力获得了黄门郎的职位,官位虽不高,但可出入于宫廷之中,成为皇帝的宠臣,于是便成为官员们寻求的重要对象。他公开向有求于他的人索取贿赂,并且根据贿赂的多少决定向皇帝美言的分量,而且还欲壑难填,多多益善。短 Chunyu long, Wei County, Yuancheng people. He was the nobility Qing Empire when the Western Han Dynasty into the emperor, with prominent ethnic forces clinging up and get the emperor favoritism and looting a lot of wealth, the right to purchase bribes, more than greedy, unconscionable. He has been mixing in the political arena for more than ten years and has absolutely no foundation in the country. His life can be summed up in one word: greedy. For greed, died for greed. During the Han Dynasty, the rule of Western Han dynasty was deteriorating day by day. Ups and downs, the local officials at the time also want to keep abreast of the emperor’s likes and dislikes in order to make the right investment. However, as they were far away from the emperor, they had to rely on the ministers around the emperor for their own dredge, so they continue to bribe the imperial court. However, Chun Yu Chang won the position of Huang Men Lang by virtue of the family forces. Although the rank was not high, he could enter and leave the palace and became the favorite of the emperor. Therefore, he became an important target sought by officials. He openly solicited bribes from those who sought him, and according to the amount of bribes he decided to speak to the emperor with the weight of beauty. short
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