苏联著名心脏病学家麦捷利查曾断言,每日走步1小时以上的人要比走步不到1小时的人,患心脏局部贫血症的要少五分之四。有人从运动医学和医疗体育考虑,建议采用如下的走步锻炼标准(走步的平均步长为70—80厘米): 最慢速走:每分钟60—70步(每小时2.5—3公里)。
The well-known Soviet cardiologist McConnell Zachary once asserted that people who walk more than an hour a day less than four-fifths of people with heart-localized anemia than people who walk less than an hour. Some people consider from sports medicine and medical sports, the following walking exercise standard is recommended (the average walking step is 70-80 cm): The slowest pace: 60-70 steps per minute (2.5-3 km per hour) .