Effects of Irrigation and Nitrogen on the Performance of Aerobic Rice in Northern China

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong556
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Aerobic rice is a new production system in which specially-developed varieties are grown under non-flooded,non-puddled,and non-saturated soil conditions. In 2003-2004,irrigation x Nitrogen experiments were carried out near Beijing using variety HD297. Water treatments included four irrigation levels,and Nitrogen treatments included different fertilizer N application rates and different numbers of N splits. The highest yields were 4 460 kg/ha with 688 mm of total(rain plus irrigation) water input in 2003 and 6 026 kg/ha with 705 mm of water input in 2004. Because of the quite even distribution of rainfall in both years,the four irrigation treatments did not result in large differences of soil water conditions. There were few significant effects of irrigation on biomass accumulation,but yield increased with the total amount of water applied. High yields coincided with high harvest index and high percentages of grain filling. The application of fertilizer N either reduced biomass and yield or kept it at the same level as 0 N and consistently reduced the percentage grain filling and 1 000-grain weight. With the highest water application,five splits of N gave higher yield than three splits,whereas three splits gave higher yield than five splits with lower water applications. Aerobic rice is a new production system in which specially-developed varieties are grown under non-flooded, non-puddled, and non-saturated soil conditions. In 2003-2004, irrigation x Nitrogen experiments were carried out near Beijing using variety HD297. Water treatments included four irrigation levels, and Nitrogen treatments included different fertilizer N application rates and different numbers of N splits. The highest yields were 4 460 kg / ha with 688 mm of total (rain plus irrigation) water input in 2003 and 6 026 kg / ha with 705 mm of water input in 2004. Because of the quite even distribution of rainfall in both years, the four irrigation law did not result in large differences of soil water conditions. increased with the total amount of water applied. High yield coincided with high harvest index and high percentages of grain filling. The application of fertilizer N either reduced biomass and yiel d or kept it at the same level as 0 N and consistently reduced the percentage grain filling and 1 000-grain weight. With the highest water application, five splits of N gave higher yield than three splits, an three splits gave higher yield than five splits with lower water applications.
教改的核心环节是课程的实施,而课程实施的基本途径是教学,教学观念不更新,教学方式不改变,教改就将流于形式。不同的教学理念,会带来不同的教学活动、不同的学习效果,而落实这些主要是在数学课堂上。所以教师必须要更新教学观念,用先进的教学理念武装自己,才能指导平常的教学工作。在新课程理念的驱动下,我在以下两个方面做了尝试:    一、改进教师的教学行为    1.更新备课形式  (1)更新备课观念。在备课
摘要: 现代教育理论注重素质教育,而数学教学尤为特出,数学教学用其独特的形色体现出教学理念,如何让中学数学教学在整个中学教育中发挥更大的作用,关键在于拥有正确的观念和如何去有效地实行。本文就中学数学教学在教育中发挥的作用及在教育中的主导地位谈谈自己的见解。  关键词: 教育 数学教学 作用    现代教育理论注重素质教育,数学教学尤为特出,数学教學用其独特的形色体现出教学理念,如何让中学数学教学在
摘要: 在数学课堂教学中,激发与引导学生的思维是提高课堂效率的有效手段。为了培养学生的思维能力,教师应精心构思、巧妙运用课堂设问。  关键词: 课堂 设问 激发 思维    在实施素质教学过程中,如何培养学生的创新思维是许多教师所探索的问题,而运用课堂设问是有效的途径。传统教学中的课堂提问已不符合现代教学的要求和目标。教师应当精心构思、巧妙运用课堂设问,从而达到培养学生思维、发展学生能力的教学目的
该课题选用昆明种小鼠和615近交系小鼠,以可移植性小鼠淋巴细胞白血病(L)及其微小残留病(minimal residual leukemia,MRL)模型为研究对象,采用与临床一致的剂型和给药途径,采
目的:研究子宫内膜异位症发病的相关因素;对加味没竭片治疗子宫内膜异位症气滞血瘀型痛经的临床疗效和安全性进行评价。  方法:对100例子宫内膜异位症患者及200例非内异症
摘要: 合作学习法是当今的一种重要的教学策略,它以学生为中心,以小组合作为基本形式,有利于促进学生智商和情商的共同发展。本文在阐述合作学习理论的基础上,探讨了如何将这一理论运用到英语教学中。  关键词: 合作学习 英语教学 小组    一、合作学习及其理论基础    合作学习(Cooperative Learning)是20世纪70年代初兴起于美国,并在70年代中期至80年代中期取得实质性进展,成