
来源 :结构工程师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyaofengw
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本文介绍了某多层框架截拄扩跨工程的粘钢加固方案。因建筑平面为扇形,、被加固梁为折线形梁,故加固方案中需考虑该梁受弯、剪、扭的复合作用。木工程同时截去了相邻两柱,截柱后该框架梁的跨度为原框架梁跨度的三倍,故在考虑到梁的承载力的同时,更要注意到梁的挠曲变形。本工程实践证明,采用粘钢技术加固截柱扩跨框架梁,可不影响建筑物外立面,不减小建筑净高,不扰动建筑(屋项)防水构造,无现场湿作业。工程竣工半年多来,使用情况良好。 This article describes the sticking steel reinforcement scheme for a multi-story framed cross-section expansion project. Because the building plane is fan-shaped, and the reinforced beam is a fold-line beam, the composite action of bending, shearing, and twisting of the beam needs to be considered in the reinforcement scheme. In the wood project, two adjacent columns are cut off at the same time. After the cut-off column, the span of the frame beam is three times the span of the original frame beam. Therefore, considering the bearing capacity of the beam, the deflection of the beam must be noticed. The practice of this project has proved that the use of bonded steel technology to reinforce the cross-frame beam with cross-sections can not affect the facade of the building, reduce the height of the building, do not disturb the waterproof structure of the building (house), and there is no on-site wet operation. The project was completed more than six months ago and it is in good condition.
2004年第三届女子奥林匹克第5题:已知u、v、w为正实数,且满足条件u vw~(1/2)+vuw_(1/2)+w uv~(1/2)≥1,试求u+v+w的最小值.我在做此题时发现该题是由下题变形而来:(1985年第2
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