
来源 :药物生物技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kulahai
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前鼻咽癌治疗普遍应用调强放疗,与传统三维适形放疗相比,调强放疗对摆位精确度要求更高,剂量更加准确。由于摆位误差需要对靶区进行外扩,本研究旨在探索与确定合适的外扩边界,在保护正常组织的前提下保证靶区剂量的均匀性。应用IGRT图像引导获取12例患者的摆位误差,在治疗计划系统中相应移动等中心,在不改变射野分布和权重的情况下,重新计算剂量分布。分析移动等中心后计划与原计划中各靶区与正常组织的剂量变化,确定适当的靶区外扩边界,以保证靶区剂量的均匀以及正常组织受量。当摆位误差为5 mm时,8.3%的GTV D99及16.7%的CTVD95剂量减少大于6%,当摆位误差为2 mm时,GTV D99、CTV D95剂量减少均小于3%。误差越大对剂量分布的影响越明显。靶区CTV较GTV对于摆位误差更为敏感,按照Stroom等推荐的公式2.0Σ+0.7σ计算GTV外扩边界PGTV:x=4.33 mm;y=2.80 mm;z=4.18 mm,据此生成的计划可有效避免由摆位误差导致的靶区剂量不足。 Pre-treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma commonly used intensity-modulated radiotherapy, compared with the traditional three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy, intensity modulated radiotherapy on the positioning accuracy requirements, the dose is more accurate. Because of the error of positioning, the target area needs to be expanded outwardly. This study aims to explore and determine the suitable extended boundary and ensure the uniformity of target dose under the premise of protecting normal tissues. The IGRT images were used to guide the setup error of 12 patients and the center of corresponding movement in the treatment planning system was used to recalculate the dose distribution without changing the field distribution and weight. Analysis of the mobile center after planning and planning of the original target area and the normal tissue dose changes to determine the appropriate target outside the expansion boundary to ensure that the target dose uniformity and normal tissue exposure. When the setup error was 5 mm, the dose reduction of 8.3% of GTV D99 and 16.7% of CTVD95 was more than 6%. When the setup error was 2 mm, the dose reduction of GTV D99 and CTV D95 were all less than 3%. The bigger the error is, the more obvious it is to the dose distribution. The target CTV is more sensitive than the GTV to the setup error. According to the formula 2.0Σ + 0.7σ recommended by Stroom et al., The GTV extended boundary PGTV is calculated as: x = 4.33 mm; y = 2.80 mm; z = 4.18 mm The program can effectively avoid the target dose caused by the positioning error.
中图分类号:G852.1 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2017)07-000-01  摘 要 太极拳是中华武术的瑰宝,因其动作柔和舒缓,形神兼备,极具健身养生與技击价值。受到越来越多人的喜爱并参与习练中。但是不少人在练习太极拳的过程中出现了膝盖疼痛,甚至膝盖损伤,并且有些医生认为太极拳会造成膝盖损伤。本文通过文献资料法,结合作者多年练习太极拳的经验来探究关于习练太极拳膝盖损伤原因机
Many Spoken Term Detection (STD) systems use query expansion to return an increased number of keyword candidates and make posterior probability a confidence fea
葡萄糖-6-磷酸异构酶(Glucose phosphate isomerase,GPI)是一类多功能蛋白质,在糖代谢的糖酵解中催化葡萄糖-6-磷酸和果糖-6-磷酸之间的可逆反应,同时它还具有其他重要生理生
中图分类号:G834 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2017)07-000-01  摘 要 本文通过文献资料法,调查法,数理统计法,逻辑分析法对邯郸市竞技艺术体操开展现状进行调查,并且对其存在的问题,造成问题的原因进行分析,对邯郸市竞技艺术体操的开展提出可行性的建议,为邯郸市竞技艺术体操的开展提供科学的参考依据。研究结论如下:邯郸市竞技艺术体操的开展范围窄,运动员人数少;教练员、运动