In the latest sign that theNBA's G League and DivisionI men's college basketball couldbecome rivals in the 2020s, twoprominent college coaches recentlyopined on the possibility of theNBA expmading the annual NBAdraft from two rounds to three ormore rounds.
On Wednesday, Kentuckycoach John Calipari expressed thatthose in favor of an expanded NBAdraft "do not care about collegebasketball" or are "trying to ruincollege basketball." Calipari, whocoached in the NBA from 1996 to2000, insists that "more rounds [will]get kids to go to the G League."Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski,meanwhile, envisions the NBAand its franchises' owners asgravitating towards the G Leagueas a means of increasing revenueand developing talent in pro-stylesystems. He also weans that collegebasketball must be more adaptive infight of the possibility of increasedcompetition from the G League."We cannot keep our heads in thesands," Krzyzewski reflected. "Weare very reactionary."
To be clear, the NBA has notannounced a plan or even signaleddesire to expand the NBA draft.Last year, commissioner AdamSilver identified draft expansion asa possible goal, but he emphasizedthat such discussions were "very,very preliminary"
Still, an expanded draft wouldlikely be appealing to the NBA.More rounds could be used topopulate the G League and increaseits talent pool. A superior G Leaguewould, in turn, attract more fansand viewers to G League games.Those games have been televisedand streamed through a varietyof methods, including throughFacebook Live, NBA TV, ESPN+ESPNU and Twitch. Should theG League improve its talent pool,their local fan bases would probablygrow. Likewise, if G league gamesfeatured more talented and skilledplayers, the NBA would probablybe able to generate more revenuethrough broadcasting rights feesand ticket sales.
盡管如此,扩大选秀对NBA来说也有着不小的吸引力。更多轮次可用于增加G联赛球员人数,增强天赋储备。而水平更高的G联赛也会吸引更多球迷关注比赛。这些比赛会得到电视转播,通过各种渠道进行线上直播,包~NFacebook Live,NBA Tv,ESPN+ESPNU以及Twitch。如果G联赛人才储备变强,他们的本地球迷人数也会增加。与此类似,如果G联赛拥有更多有天赋,技术好的球员,NBA也能通过转播权及门票销售获得更多收入。
Any change to the NBA'sdraft procedure would need tobe negotiated with the NationalBasketball Players' Association. Therules for the draft are containedin Article X of the collectivebargaining agreement. The cm'rentCBA runs through the 2023-24 season, with a mutual opt-outclause after the 2022-23 season.Although existing CBAs can beamended by management andlabor before they expire, significantchanges are usually reserved forfuture CBAs. NBA选秀流程的改变,都需要与球员工会协商。与选秀有关的规定出现在劳资协议的第10条。目前的劳资协议有效期截至2023-24赛季,劳资双方均有权在2022-23赛季结束后跳出。尽管现有劳资协议可以在到期前经劳资双方协议修改,但重大改变通常都会留待未来谈判时解决。
There is already talk ofchanges to Article X in the nextCBA. As reported earlier this year,the NBA and NBPA are poised tochange their controversial eligibilityrule. Since 2006, an Americanplayer can only become drafteligible if he is at least 19 years oldand at least one NBA season elapsesfrom when he graduated from highschool or, if he didn't graduate,when he would have graduated.
Prior to 2006, players could"jump" straight from high schoolto the NBA. A number of prep-to-pro players would go on tobecome NBA stars. LeBron James,Kevin Garnett, Kobe Bryant, TracyMcGrady, Dwight Howard, LouWilliams, Rashard Lewis, JermaineO'Neal, Tyson Chandler and Amar'eStoudemire are among them.
A return to the previouseligibility rule would mean thatsome high school players whowould have become "one-and-dones" in college instead go directlyto the NBA. For Calipari and othercollege coaches who thrive withone-and-dones, they would need toadjust their recruiting methods.
It's worth noting that aplayer skipping college or leavingcollege before graduating doesnot foreclose the possibihty of thatplayer matriculating to college at alater date. The greatest basketballplayer of all-time, Michael Jordan,left UNC early for the NBAbut later returned to complete hiscollege degree. While a playercan't turn pro and play collegebasketball again, he can return toschool as a more traditional student.Particularly with the growth ofonline education, "skipping college"need not be permanent.
Much has changed in probasketball since the NBA drafteligibility rule rose in 2006. Theprofessional marketplace forbasketball talent has grown andbecome more competitive. It is nolonger an exceptional decision foran American player to decline toattend college and instead sign aprofessional contract with a team inanother country.
For instance, LaMelo Balland R.J. Hampton-both of whomare expected to be selected in thefirst round of the 2020 NBA draft-are spending what would havebeen their freshmen year of collegegetting paid to play in Australia'sNational Basketball League . Thetwo are pursuing a path takenby others before them, includingBrandon Jennings, Jeremy Tylerand Emmanud Mudiay.
Oklahoma Thunder forwardDarius Bazley took a different, butstill unconventional path,when thethen-high school hoops star signedan internship contract with NewBalance last year The conn'act,a411pay Bazley.a first-round pick inthe 2019 NBA Draft.between$1million and$14 million dependingonhow hisNBA careerplaysout.
Meanwhile, the NBA hasmade the G League a moreattractive option for players out ofhigh school. Starting this season, theG League will offer elite prospectswho are at least 18 years old, butwho are not yet ineligible for theNBA draft, "select contracts." Thesecontracts will cover the five-mothG League season, during whichtime a player will be paid $125,000.He will also be provided healthcare, training on financial literacy,advice on post-career planning andother employment benefits.
Players in the G Leagueare also not bound by NCAAamateurism rules. They can signendorsement contracts and be paidto license their names, imagesand likenesses (NIL) in variousproducts and services. WhileNCAA rules on NIL rights mightbe forced to change under the law,no such changes are imminent.
The NBA draft hasn't alwaysused two rounds. Prior to 1989, thenumber of rounds ranged fromthree to 21. There were also fewerfranchises back then, so each roundfeatured fewer players. To thatpoint, in 1988, there were threerounds and 75 total selections; in2019, there were two rounds and60 selections. Also, for a nine-year period from 1967 to 1976,the NBA competed with theAmerican Basketball Association,which eventually merged with theNBA. The use of numerous draftselections helped the NBA assertcontrol over amateur players whowere also drafted by ABA teams. NBA选秀并不总是两轮。1989年前,NBA选秀的轮次为3到21不等。过去球队数量少,所以每轮球员数量也少。1988年,NBA选秀为三轮75人;2019年,NBA选秀为两轮60人。此外,从1967年到1976年的九年间,NBA与ABA联赛竞争,后者最终合并于NBA。多轮选秀帮助NBA控制了同样被ABA球队选中的业余球员。
While amateur players mightprefer there be no draft, a draftgoes to the heart of competitivenessin the NBA. Namely, it helps theleague ensure that each team hasa reasonable chance to compete. Ifno draft existed, certain teams-such as those in cities that are mostattractive to players or those withlegendary players on the roster-would gain a decisive advantage insigning top amateur players.
Assume, for a moment, thatthere was no draft in 2019. A teamlike the Los Angeles Lakers mighthave enjoyed a significant edge inrecruiting Williamson out of Duke.After all, Los Angeles would havebeen appealing to Williamson interms of endorsement opportunities.Plus, Williamson wotfld have joinedLeBron James and Anthony Davisto constitute a formidable trio.
Or maybe Williamson wouldhave been deterred by the prospectof joining a team in California,which has the highest state incometax in land. Maybe a team inFlorida or Texas, neither of whichhas a state income tax, would havebeen more enticing. Or maybeWilhamson would have preferred toplay for New York Knicks,wherehe would have been a superstar inthe Big Apple and the focal pointof the franchise rather than its thirdbest player. Who knows? The largerpoint is that Williamson would haveheld the cards and been in controlof his fate. Instead, Williamsonwas drafted by the New OrleansPelicans. His only choice was tosign with the Pelicans or sit out ayear and enter the 2020 draft.
An expanded draft wouldclearly increase the NBA's abilityto control labor. For that reason,the NBPA would probably demand"something" in return for additionaldraft rounds. Perhaps the next CBAmight guarantee salaries for playersdrafted in the second round (likethose drafted in the first round)or offer higher minimum salariesfor second round draft picks. Thecurrent minimum NBA salary ishardly chump change-S898,310for rookies in the 2019-20 season.However, the lack of automaticguarantees for second roundpicks (though most second roundpicks are able to negotiate parfalguarantees) coupled with the factthat some second round picks willsign two-way contracts instead ofNBA contracts and some won'tmake it to the NBA means thatsome won't earn anywhere near thatamount.
In short, don't expect the NBAdraft to expand over the next fewseasons, but after then, there's adecent chance it will happen. The GLeague-and its players-would bethe main beneficiaries.
On Wednesday, Kentuckycoach John Calipari expressed thatthose in favor of an expanded NBAdraft "do not care about collegebasketball" or are "trying to ruincollege basketball." Calipari, whocoached in the NBA from 1996 to2000, insists that "more rounds [will]get kids to go to the G League."Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski,meanwhile, envisions the NBAand its franchises' owners asgravitating towards the G Leagueas a means of increasing revenueand developing talent in pro-stylesystems. He also weans that collegebasketball must be more adaptive infight of the possibility of increasedcompetition from the G League."We cannot keep our heads in thesands," Krzyzewski reflected. "Weare very reactionary."
To be clear, the NBA has notannounced a plan or even signaleddesire to expand the NBA draft.Last year, commissioner AdamSilver identified draft expansion asa possible goal, but he emphasizedthat such discussions were "very,very preliminary"
Still, an expanded draft wouldlikely be appealing to the NBA.More rounds could be used topopulate the G League and increaseits talent pool. A superior G Leaguewould, in turn, attract more fansand viewers to G League games.Those games have been televisedand streamed through a varietyof methods, including throughFacebook Live, NBA TV, ESPN+ESPNU and Twitch. Should theG League improve its talent pool,their local fan bases would probablygrow. Likewise, if G league gamesfeatured more talented and skilledplayers, the NBA would probablybe able to generate more revenuethrough broadcasting rights feesand ticket sales.
盡管如此,扩大选秀对NBA来说也有着不小的吸引力。更多轮次可用于增加G联赛球员人数,增强天赋储备。而水平更高的G联赛也会吸引更多球迷关注比赛。这些比赛会得到电视转播,通过各种渠道进行线上直播,包~NFacebook Live,NBA Tv,ESPN+ESPNU以及Twitch。如果G联赛人才储备变强,他们的本地球迷人数也会增加。与此类似,如果G联赛拥有更多有天赋,技术好的球员,NBA也能通过转播权及门票销售获得更多收入。
Any change to the NBA'sdraft procedure would need tobe negotiated with the NationalBasketball Players' Association. Therules for the draft are containedin Article X of the collectivebargaining agreement. The cm'rentCBA runs through the 2023-24 season, with a mutual opt-outclause after the 2022-23 season.Although existing CBAs can beamended by management andlabor before they expire, significantchanges are usually reserved forfuture CBAs. NBA选秀流程的改变,都需要与球员工会协商。与选秀有关的规定出现在劳资协议的第10条。目前的劳资协议有效期截至2023-24赛季,劳资双方均有权在2022-23赛季结束后跳出。尽管现有劳资协议可以在到期前经劳资双方协议修改,但重大改变通常都会留待未来谈判时解决。
There is already talk ofchanges to Article X in the nextCBA. As reported earlier this year,the NBA and NBPA are poised tochange their controversial eligibilityrule. Since 2006, an Americanplayer can only become drafteligible if he is at least 19 years oldand at least one NBA season elapsesfrom when he graduated from highschool or, if he didn't graduate,when he would have graduated.
Prior to 2006, players could"jump" straight from high schoolto the NBA. A number of prep-to-pro players would go on tobecome NBA stars. LeBron James,Kevin Garnett, Kobe Bryant, TracyMcGrady, Dwight Howard, LouWilliams, Rashard Lewis, JermaineO'Neal, Tyson Chandler and Amar'eStoudemire are among them.
A return to the previouseligibility rule would mean thatsome high school players whowould have become "one-and-dones" in college instead go directlyto the NBA. For Calipari and othercollege coaches who thrive withone-and-dones, they would need toadjust their recruiting methods.
It's worth noting that aplayer skipping college or leavingcollege before graduating doesnot foreclose the possibihty of thatplayer matriculating to college at alater date. The greatest basketballplayer of all-time, Michael Jordan,left UNC early for the NBAbut later returned to complete hiscollege degree. While a playercan't turn pro and play collegebasketball again, he can return toschool as a more traditional student.Particularly with the growth ofonline education, "skipping college"need not be permanent.
Much has changed in probasketball since the NBA drafteligibility rule rose in 2006. Theprofessional marketplace forbasketball talent has grown andbecome more competitive. It is nolonger an exceptional decision foran American player to decline toattend college and instead sign aprofessional contract with a team inanother country.
For instance, LaMelo Balland R.J. Hampton-both of whomare expected to be selected in thefirst round of the 2020 NBA draft-are spending what would havebeen their freshmen year of collegegetting paid to play in Australia'sNational Basketball League . Thetwo are pursuing a path takenby others before them, includingBrandon Jennings, Jeremy Tylerand Emmanud Mudiay.
Oklahoma Thunder forwardDarius Bazley took a different, butstill unconventional path,when thethen-high school hoops star signedan internship contract with NewBalance last year The conn'act,a411pay Bazley.a first-round pick inthe 2019 NBA Draft.between$1million and$14 million dependingonhow hisNBA careerplaysout.
Meanwhile, the NBA hasmade the G League a moreattractive option for players out ofhigh school. Starting this season, theG League will offer elite prospectswho are at least 18 years old, butwho are not yet ineligible for theNBA draft, "select contracts." Thesecontracts will cover the five-mothG League season, during whichtime a player will be paid $125,000.He will also be provided healthcare, training on financial literacy,advice on post-career planning andother employment benefits.
Players in the G Leagueare also not bound by NCAAamateurism rules. They can signendorsement contracts and be paidto license their names, imagesand likenesses (NIL) in variousproducts and services. WhileNCAA rules on NIL rights mightbe forced to change under the law,no such changes are imminent.
The NBA draft hasn't alwaysused two rounds. Prior to 1989, thenumber of rounds ranged fromthree to 21. There were also fewerfranchises back then, so each roundfeatured fewer players. To thatpoint, in 1988, there were threerounds and 75 total selections; in2019, there were two rounds and60 selections. Also, for a nine-year period from 1967 to 1976,the NBA competed with theAmerican Basketball Association,which eventually merged with theNBA. The use of numerous draftselections helped the NBA assertcontrol over amateur players whowere also drafted by ABA teams. NBA选秀并不总是两轮。1989年前,NBA选秀的轮次为3到21不等。过去球队数量少,所以每轮球员数量也少。1988年,NBA选秀为三轮75人;2019年,NBA选秀为两轮60人。此外,从1967年到1976年的九年间,NBA与ABA联赛竞争,后者最终合并于NBA。多轮选秀帮助NBA控制了同样被ABA球队选中的业余球员。
While amateur players mightprefer there be no draft, a draftgoes to the heart of competitivenessin the NBA. Namely, it helps theleague ensure that each team hasa reasonable chance to compete. Ifno draft existed, certain teams-such as those in cities that are mostattractive to players or those withlegendary players on the roster-would gain a decisive advantage insigning top amateur players.
Assume, for a moment, thatthere was no draft in 2019. A teamlike the Los Angeles Lakers mighthave enjoyed a significant edge inrecruiting Williamson out of Duke.After all, Los Angeles would havebeen appealing to Williamson interms of endorsement opportunities.Plus, Williamson wotfld have joinedLeBron James and Anthony Davisto constitute a formidable trio.
Or maybe Williamson wouldhave been deterred by the prospectof joining a team in California,which has the highest state incometax in land. Maybe a team inFlorida or Texas, neither of whichhas a state income tax, would havebeen more enticing. Or maybeWilhamson would have preferred toplay for New York Knicks,wherehe would have been a superstar inthe Big Apple and the focal pointof the franchise rather than its thirdbest player. Who knows? The largerpoint is that Williamson would haveheld the cards and been in controlof his fate. Instead, Williamsonwas drafted by the New OrleansPelicans. His only choice was tosign with the Pelicans or sit out ayear and enter the 2020 draft.
An expanded draft wouldclearly increase the NBA's abilityto control labor. For that reason,the NBPA would probably demand"something" in return for additionaldraft rounds. Perhaps the next CBAmight guarantee salaries for playersdrafted in the second round (likethose drafted in the first round)or offer higher minimum salariesfor second round draft picks. Thecurrent minimum NBA salary ishardly chump change-S898,310for rookies in the 2019-20 season.However, the lack of automaticguarantees for second roundpicks (though most second roundpicks are able to negotiate parfalguarantees) coupled with the factthat some second round picks willsign two-way contracts instead ofNBA contracts and some won'tmake it to the NBA means thatsome won't earn anywhere near thatamount.
In short, don't expect the NBAdraft to expand over the next fewseasons, but after then, there's adecent chance it will happen. The GLeague-and its players-would bethe main beneficiaries.