
来源 :新语文学习(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duanluchao
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回望那云雾缭绕的起点,凝视身后那一串串深深的脚印,心中别是一番滋味。回望初中路,每次呼吸的都是老师的教诲;回望初中路,每只脚印中都渗透着同学的帮助;回望初中路,三年如一日,沐浴着父母的关怀;也许不久后,我们会分别,但那不是遗失——是珍藏。初中的三年,那么短,又那么长。回头看看走过的路想起几个字——追忆似水年华。满怀期待地去问别人:“你觉得初中三年像什么?”答案五花八门。有人说,像家里的三小时;有人说,像冬日里的阳光;印象最深的,是说像一坛酒,一开始苦涩,后来渐渐变得甘甜,最后回味无穷,让人沉醉其中。三年里,有磕磕绊绊,也有友谊温情;有狂风大浪,也有阳光雨露……但这些都不重要,重要的是,有那么一些人,陪你哭过笑过,恼过怒过,喜过悲过;有那么一些人,帮助过你,安慰过你;有那么一些人,在你需要的时候,借过你一个肩膀,赠过你一个微笑;有那么一些人,陪着你,伴着你,和你手拉手肩并肩,一同走过了三年时光。 Looking back at the misty starting point, staring at the string of deep footprints behind him, I felt a little different in my heart. Looking back to Middle School Road, every time I breathe is the teacher’s teachings; I look back on Middle School Road and every footsteps infiltrate the help of my classmates. Looking back at Middle School Road, I look forward to the care of my parents for three years; maybe soon. We will separate, but that is not lost - it is a treasure. The three years of junior high school are so short and so long. Looking back at the road I came across, I remembered a couple of words - reminiscing about time. Looking forward to ask others: “What do you think junior high school is like for three years?” The answers are varied. Some people say that like three hours at home, some people say that the sun is like the winter sun. The deepest impression is that it is like an altar wine. It was bitter at first, but it gradually became sweeter. At last, it had a lasting aftertaste. In the past three years, there have been embarrassment and friendship warmth; there have been storms and waves, and there are sunshine and rain... But these are not important. The important thing is that there are so many people who accompany you crying and laughing, annoyed and angry. There are so many people who have helped you and comforted you; there are those people who, when you need them, lend you a shoulder and give you a smile; there are some people who are with you, accompanied by you You walked hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder, and spent three years together.
做家具时剩了些边角余料,大大小小都有,那些大芯板小的长宽只有两三寸,大的有两三尺。我喜欢买工具,住在旧居时,积攒了大堆的各种型号的扳手、起子、钳子、锤子,平时散放在水泥擱板上,因为搁板还放了其他一些杂物,找起来很费事。搬了新居,连搁板都没有了,只在入户花园设了个不大的贮存柜,妻于是请木工师傅用余料做个广口的工具箱,平时需要什么工具只要到箱里一找,一定找得着。  认真想来,木板的边边角角固然值得利用
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