A Novel Video Logging Method based on the Self-Focus Lens Array

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  Abstract At present, down-hole video logging method is used to observe the bottom and lateral well wall image, which places video camera on the bottom of logging instrument. This method can acquire the bottom image clearly. It’s difficult to obtain lateral image because optic axis of lenses is placed along with the well axis, and it’s impossible to place an existing camera along the radial direction because of restriction of borehole diameter or pipe diameter and object distance of camera, etc. A method and instrument for acquiring lateral image is presented on this paper, multiple self-focus lensesare placed along radial direction, used special relay lens transmitting the multiple imaging to an image sensor, and formed one image, then transmitted the image to ground. In order to use optic spectral properties, light cone circling the self-focus lenses is used to transferthe image, the minimum overlap radius for measurement boreholethe is analyzed,the seal problem for the optical system is designed.The lateral well wall image is acquired through researching the method of lateral multiple lens, then the phase correction method is used to fuse the image from different angles of lateral well wall. The video well logging instrument is developed using the above method, which can real-timely display the crack opening , filling substance, porosity and rock component of down-hole casing and borehole.So this method can provide an interpretation tools for the pipe internal or downhole phenomena.
  Key words: Lateral video logging; Image acquisition; Self-focus lens array; Circular light source; Phase correction method; Image fusion
  The downhole video logging method commonly used in the logging instrument, which was placed on the bottom, used to observe the bottom and lateral images, to collect the image at the bottom of borehole[1-3]. When used for lateral imaging, due to the optical axis of the lens along the borehole axis direction, it’s hard to obtain the lateral well wall image, because of the hole diameter or pipe diameter and the existing camera distance limit, radial direction place an existing camera is impossible. The main reason is that these instruments designed based on the normal camera technology ,the diameters of normal lens is very large, place the camera in the bottom of well, which try to acquire the image on the bottom, but can not obtain the lateral well wall image. Since this proposal placed the main light source and imaging lens optical axis parallel to the axis of the borehole wall and sleeve through the plane at the bottom of the instrument (or convex) window irradiation bottom of the well, and received the reflected light. Obviously, such a scheme for identifying wells whereabouts matter, auxiliary salvage contributed. Since, near the reflection light in the viewing angle range, and distant reflection less attenuation of light and, in principle, cannot be placed to meet the direction of the well axis, and the well logging interpretation require for lateral imaging. The normal optical system just like the human eye, looking straight ahead, to see the front of the image, for the lateral can only get fuzzy and unclear images. In order to get a clear lateral borehole image, it’s needed to disposit the lens facing to the lateral sidewall[4-5].   Our group study with Self-Focus Lens Array (SFLA) as objective lens, which placed in the lateral multiple objective lens, light cone is used to transfer image device, light source uses circular one, the light strength of which can be controlled by light source controller. Lateral multilens imaging system can overcome the deficiencies of the vertical camera difficult to get a clear image of the lateral borehole wall. Using the proposal, and compared to the previous proposal, image distortion can be eliminated. Also using the image mosaic method can form a complete image of a sectional lateral without the need for the mechanism rotates, the other can be avoided due to the lens movement appears “ghosting”[6-7].
  1.1 Basic Principle of Video Logging Instrument The block diagram of Video logging instrument is shown in the Figure 1, which consist of two parts: downhole and ground part.
  The downhole consist of power module, Light Source Control Module, Light source, Optical system, DSP control module, CCD and modulation module.
  (1) Light source control module is used to adjust light strength. Light source is used to supply the light for Optical system. Light source is designed as circular one, and the LED is distributed around the light source board, the light strength is controlled by the digital potentiometer based on the I2C bus.
  (2) CCD is used to convert the light signal to electronic one, which transfer the borehole image to DSP control module, which is used to convert the differential LVDS signal to the TTL/CMOS one, and then transfer to the modulation module by the cameralink interface[8-9].
  (3) Modulation module realizes the following functions: convert the cameralink interface to the normal well information coding format. Demodulation module realizes the functions of converting the normal well information coding format to the USb data format.
  (4) Power module is used to supply the power to light source control module and CCD. Which can supply the±5V, ±3.3V to CCD,light source control module and modulation module.
  (5) DSP is used to realize the image compression because if sending the original image to ground, it will occupy the cable transmission bandwidth, simultaneously it can be used to control the light source strength of light source.
  (6) Optical system is the core of this system. The image is clear or not decides it. The composition block diagram is shown in the Figure 2.   (7) Software is used to display the underground image, Interpret the crack opening , filling substance, porosity and rock component of down-hole casing. Which is realized by the graphical display software LabVIEW 8.6.
  1.2 Design of Optical System
  SFLA is the most important component of Optical system, and the most important properties of it is smallness, the diameter of it is very small. Light cones is used to transfer light. In the laterally placed some SFLA, in the well axis placed only one self-focus lens.
  Optical system is divided into two cavities, the above cavity set two light cone fixed plates, which placed up and down, and the center of which place one light cone parallel to the well axis, it can be defined as Horizontal Light Cone (HLC), and 90 degree bending light cone around the LCFP, it can be defined as Vertical Light Cone(VLC) and the small side of which coupled to SFLA, the side of SFLA face to the tested well wall through the hole on the shell of optical system (SPS). The small end of HLC is coupled to self-focus lens, the other side of self-focus lens face to the bottom of the borehole.VLC face the well wall, can obtain the image of well wall. The two Light cone fixed plate (LCFP) is sheathed on the outer shell of the optical system. And the Circular Glass Shell (CGS) is used to isolate the optical system from the outside well environment.
  The most important part for single lens imaging system is coupling and image transfer. Light cones are used to transfer light. It’s very difficult to mechanical processing. The orthographic views of 90 degree bending
  Light cones is shown in Figure 3.
  1.3 Minimum Overlap Radius for Measurement Borehole
  SFLA is used to obtain the whole information of borehole, so it will cause the overlap between the two self-focus lens. With the increase of numerical aperture, can see the scale will be bigger, but the gradient refractive index lens edge will appear serious fuzzy phenomenon, caused very big effect on imaging, and so select the appropriate gradient refractive index lens is particularly important. The method for computation of minimum overlap radius is as follows:
  The eight self-focus lens is equally distributed on the SPS, so the angle among each eight self-focus lens are 45°.The radius of SPS is d,θ is the field angle of selffocus lens, R2 is the distance from the edge of self-focus lens to sidewall, r1 is the radius of well. 1θis the angel between axial direction of self-focus lens and, is 22.5°. 1r value is obtained according to the cosine theorem.there will compute under three cases, the result is shown in the Table 1.   1.4 Seal Design for Optical System
  It needs to consider the seal problem because the logging instrument is placed in the downhole, there will have muds or other materials that can pollute the lens, the circular ring glass window is designed to avoid the lens to be polluted. The mechanical structure is shown in the Figure 5.The field angle of one self-focus lens isθ
  Image region of single lens on the CCD area is shown in the Figure 6. Seen from Figure 6, there are nine Imaging region, In which the center of the circular region for the well axis is the direction of the imaging area, other eight ones is the lateral bearing imaging area, all the images come from the self-focus lens through the light cones.
  2.1 The Borehole Image Processing Principle
  Seen from Figure 5, the borehole image from the different angles has some overlap, in order to cut the overlap part, and form the registration image for well wall. Then it’s needed to process the image from the SFLA. In order to realize image registration, it’s needed to realize image translation, rotation and scaling. The process is shown in the Figure 7. Downhole Image from the CCD is firstly needed to registration, Panoramic and fusion; finally form the GIS map for the downhole.
  (5) Search the maximum amplitude, then which is the translation amount.
  Figure 8 is result of estimating the parameters through the phase correlation method. Figure 8(a) is the reference image, Figure 8(b) is registration Image, Figure 8(c) is Fourier Transform of Cross Power Spectrum, Figure 8(d) is splicing image. 2.3 Process of Image Rotation
  The steps of image rotation and scaling is as follows:
  Assumption the two images: f1(x,y) and f2(x,y), is
  obtained from f1(x,y) to scale the image with λ parameters and rotate one with θ0 counterclockwise, and meets:
  Image Descartes coordinate rotation and scaling has been converted to the logarithmic polar coordinate on the translation relation, in the log polar coordinate system using phase correction method.
  Figure 9 realizes the image registration, Figure 9(b) is the registration image after Figure 9(a) rotates 17.36°, and zooms 1.37 times, at the same time which cut in the center at the same size, realize the image registration using the phase correction method.
  2.4 Mosaic Image After Registration
  Figure 10 is the mosaic image for the two downhole image. Figure 10(a) is the reference image, Figure 10(b) is registration Image, Figure 10(c) is the image after registration, and Figure 10(d) is mosaic image.   2.5 Fusion Image Using Phase Corection Method Image fuses using the pixel maximum method, assumption that the size of two images is m×n, the image after fusion is f, then aiming at the pixel Gray scale value ,choose the maximum one to execute the image fusion, the equation is: f(m,n) = max{A(m,n),B(m,n)} (8)
  m,n is the row and column of image .when fusion is executed, comparison of the size of pixel value corresponding place in the raw image, and taken the maximum of pixel value as pixel value in the position (m,n) of image F. Taken the radial 8 self-focus lens images for image registration.
  The difference between downhole 1 and downhole 2 is diameter of borehole.
  Figure 11 is Mosaic Experimental Result of downhole 1. Figure 11(a) is the reference image, Figure 11(b) is registration image, Figure 11(c) is a Mosaic image, Figure 11(d) is the fusion image.
  Figure 12 is Mosaic Experimental Result of downhole 2. Figure 12(a) is the reference image, Figure 12(b) is registration Image, and Figure 12(c) is a Mosaic image, Figure 12(d) is the fusion image.
  Seen from Table 2, it shows the Estimated Parameters for downhole 1 and downhole 2. Using this parameters can make the image from different angles to one GIS map, which can display the information directly, which provide a novel method for well logging such as crack opening, filling substance, porosity and rock component of down-hole casing, or casing casing damage inspection.
  This paper researches to use the SFLA to acquire the signals in the process of well logging instrument design, using this method can obtain the image of well wall. The main work of this paper is below:
  (1) because the size of SFLA is about 1.5 mm.it is very suitable for acquiring the well wall information, because the diameter of borehole is about the 77 mm.
  (2) Using circular light source provides a new light principle for downhole image acquiring. Through test, circular light source has good effect on the acquiring the well wall image information, and improve the definition of well wall image.
  (3) because the image is obtained from different angles and the acquired image has overlap. In order to form the whole well wall information map, phase correction method is used to realize image fusion, and get the good result.
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坐在餐桌前,看着面前的一副碗筷,我又想起了你……你,黑黑的,瘦瘦的,跟著打工的父母从外地农村转到了我们班级。你少言寡语,每天穿的衣服都是破旧的,你被嘲笑更是因为你刚来时,连26个英文字母都不认识。但是当我发现,你的数学成绩屡次追上我,我开始讨厌你,嫉妒你。  我思量着,一定要找个机会整整你。学校艺术节——“我型我秀”节目参演如期而至,每个班级都进入了紧锣密鼓的准备阶段。作为一班之长,我和班委决定来
每年的4月1日是“国际爱鸟日”,我国四五月份有“爱鸟周”。然而,我还想设立一个自己的爱鸟日,把这个有意义的节日定在9月25日,那天正好是我的生日。  有一天,我回老家,看见那里鲜花遍地,绿树成阴,鸟儿在树梢上唱歌,一切都是那么美。邻居家的小男孩听到我回来了,立刻来找我玩。他爸爸热情地对我们说:“你们多玩一会,晚上叔叔请你们吃好吃的,可香了。”一听说有好吃的,馋嘴的我们根本不知道是什么,就急切地答应
我家有一只非常可爱的京巴狗,它的名字叫欢欢。它一身棕色皮毛,头又圆又大,黑黑的眼睛闪闪发亮,像两颗晶莹的珠子,眼睛下面有一个小而圆的鼻子,虽然小但是非常灵敏,有一小点气味它都能分辨得出来。它的四肢很发达,体格矫健,再加上那威武的神态,简直就像一个保卫国家的勇士。  欢欢非常有趣可爱。它吃饭的时候特别奇怪,吃一口东张西望,再吃一口还是左顾右盼,好像怕有人跟它抢似的,不停地在观察敌情,做好随时应战的准
我有一支钢笔,它陪伴我走過了两年的时光。我做作业,甚至考试的时候,总是使用它。它一直冲锋在写字战场的最前方,像一杆冲锋枪,立下了无数的汗马功劳。  钢笔很漂亮,乌黑乌黑的,像浓墨一样,而且外壁光滑得像会发光一样。笔盖子上雕刻了花纹,增添了钢笔的古典美。在钢笔的中部,有一圈金色。笔尖也是金色的,不粗不细。钢笔不长,甚至比一般的圆珠笔还短些,但是更粗,因为它的肚子里都是墨水。让笔尖在白纸上划动,里面的
周末, 妈妈买了好几只大螃蟹,可等到煮螃蟹时却发现少了一只。她四处寻找,可就是没有它的踪影,“真的见鬼了?”  晚饭后,爸爸妈妈有事出门了。我一个人在家有点害怕,于是躲进房间,把门反锁,开始做我最喜欢的事——画画,用它陪伴我度过这“孤独”的时间。  画着、画着,我突然听到窸窸窣窣的声音。难道是爸妈回来啦?可是我并没有听到他们开门的声音啊!我故作镇定地朝门外喊了一声:“爸爸妈妈,你们回来啦?”可是,
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“家有一老,如有一宝”,姥姥把我当成她生命中至关重要的“宝”,我也把姥姥当成心中不可替代的“宝”。我和姥姥的生日是同一天,冥冥中注定我和姥姥的感情超乎寻常。姥姥对我的爱积淀在我成长的每个过程中,彰显在我生活的每个细节里,我对姥姥的感情也随着岁月的飞逝与日俱增。  姥姥是我学习上的“宝”。一个个古板的数学公式对我来说是那么晦涩、那么枯燥,姥姥却像变戏法似的总能利用身边的“道具”带我进入“数学游戏王国