Hay-On-Wye英国黑镇 二手书星球

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抵达世界上的首个二手书镇——英国威尔士黑镇(Hay-On-Wye),此时正是夏末,英国午后的金色阳光覆盖在小镇的老街景上,如同步入了一座古典英剧的拍摄现场,建筑是地道的英式黑白楼,街道窄得刚刚够两辆车擦身而过,沿街是罗马城堡的千年城墙。这座仿佛穿越时空的小镇和其他英国小镇并没有什么不同,它们共有一种粗糙与精致:缺乏修缮的百年建筑、又细致如四处可见的繁花盛景。但Hay-On-Wye之所以成为Hay-On-Wye,只为着全镇的总藏书,就足以令世界上的图书馆为之礼敬。鲁宾斯坦曾说,看一座城市先看它有多少家书店。黑镇如今仍然只有数百户人家,却拥有二十八家二手书店。在世界图书业萎靡、书店纷纷倒闭的形势下,阅读世界的衰落仿佛并没有给这个宁静的小镇带来阴霾,人们怀着对书的世界的好奇从各地涌向这里,交通不便甚至网络信号不发达并没有减损黑镇的魅力,恰恰因此,让它横生出更多老式罗曼蒂克的体验。诸如,在没有网络的夜里平静地呆在露台上看星星,在爱书店之人的心中,黑镇留存着一片正在流淌的乌托邦深蓝。因此,当我们穿越理所当然的都市文明抵达于此,所能看见的不光是这座书镇的过去,也有关于书店的未来。 Arriving in the world’s first-used book town, Hay-On-Wye, at the end of summer, golden afternoon sun in the UK covers the town’s old streetscape as if it were a classical British filming scene, the building is authentic British black and white floor, narrow streets just enough for two cars pass by, the Roman city wall is the Millennium Wall. This time-like town seems to be similar to other English towns in that it has a rough, refined look: a hundred-year-old building lacking in repairs and a delicate flower scene full of details. But Hay-On-Wye became Hay-On-Wye, just for the town’s total collection, enough to make the world’s libraries respectful. Rubinstein once said that looking at a city depends on how many bookstores it has. The town of Blacktown is still home to only a few hundred people but has 28 second-hand bookshops. In the world of book industry slump, the bookstores have closed down, the decline of reading the world seems to have not brought haze to this quiet town, people curious about the world of books flocked from all over here, inaccessible and even network signals Underdeveloped and did not detract from the charm of the town of Black, precisely because of this, let it give birth to more old-fashioned Roman experience. For example, watching the stars calmly on the terrace during the night without internet, in the minds of those who love bookstores, Blacktown retains a flowing utopia of dark blue. Therefore, when we arrive through the urban civilization of course, we can see not only the past of the book town, but also the future of the bookstore.
通过对宁波慈溪《纯德汇编》之“邑庙图”与相关史料的解读,考察慈溪董孝子祠作为慈孝文化缩影之滥觞及对城市形态变迁之意义所在。 Through the interpretation of the “T
甲状腺机能亢进症(下称甲亢)合并周期性麻痹(下称周麻)发作期间出现房室传导阻滞(AVB)较为罕见。我院自1981年元月至1989年元月诊治甲亢合并周麻29例,伴I°~Ⅲ°AVB 5例。现